SQL Reference
This book has the following sections:
- Chapter 1, Introduction, identifies the purpose, the audience, and the use of the
- Chapter 2, Concepts, discusses the basic concepts of relational databases and
- Chapter 3, Language Elements, describes the basic syntax of SQL and the language elements
that are common to many SQL statements.
- Chapter 4, Functions, contains syntax diagrams, semantic descriptions, rules, and
usage examples of SQL column and scalar functions.
- Chapter 5, Queries, describes the various forms of a query.
- Chapter 6, Statements, contains syntax diagrams, semantic descriptions, rules, and
examples of all SQL statements.
- The appendixes contain the following information:
- Appendix A, SQL Limits contains the SQL limitations
- Appendix B, SQL Communication Area (SQLCA) contains the SQLCA structure
- Appendix C, SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA) contains the SQLDA structure
- Appendix D, Catalog Views contains the catalog views for the database
- Appendix F, Sample Tables contains the sample tables used for examples
- Appendix G, Reserved Schema Names and Reserved Words contains the reserved schema names and the reserved words
for the IBM SQL and ISO/ANS SQL92 standards
- Appendix H, Comparison of Isolation Levels contains a summary of the isolation levels.
- Appendix I, Interaction of Triggers and Constraints discusses the interaction of triggers and referential
- Appendix J, Incompatibilities Between Releases contains the release to release incompatibilities.
- Appendix K, Explain Tables and Definitions contains the Explain tables and how they are defined.
- Appendix L, Explain Register Values describes the interaction of the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE and
CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT special register values with each other and the PREP
and BIND commands.
- Appendix M, Recursion Example: Bill of Materials contains an example of a recursive query.
- Appendix N, Exception Tables contains information on user-created tables that are used
with the SET INTEGRITY statement.
- Appendix O, Japanese and Traditional-Chinese EUC Considerations lists considerations when using EUC character sets.
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