IBM Books

SQL Reference

Appendix M. Recursion Example: Bill of Materials

Bill of materials (BOM) applications are a common requirement in many business environments. To illustrate the capability of a recursive common table expression for BOM applications, consider a table of parts with associated subparts and the quantity of subparts required by the part. For this example, create the table as follows.

                 (PART VARCHAR(8),
                  SUBPART VARCHAR(8),
                  QUANTITY INTEGER);

In order to give query results for this example, assume the PARTLIST table is populated with the following values.

  -------- -------- -----------
  00       01                 5
  00       05                 3
  01       02                 2
  01       03                 3
  01       04                 4
  01       06                 3
  02       05                 7
  02       06                 6
  03       07                 6
  04       08                10
  04       09                11
  05       10                10
  05       11                10
  06       12                10
  06       13                10
  07       14                 8
  07       12                 8

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