IBM Books

SQL Reference

Appendix B. SQL Communication Area (SQLCA)

An SQLCA is a collection of variables that is updated at the end of the execution of every SQL statement. A program that contains executable SQL statements (except for DECLARE, INCLUDE, and WHENEVER) and is precompiled with option LANGLEVEL SAA1 (the default) or MIA must provide exactly one SQLCA, though more than one SQLCA is possible by having one SQLCA per thread in a multi-threaded application.

When a program is precompiled with option LANGLEVEL SQL92E, an SQLCODE or SQLSTATE variable may be declared in the SQL declare section or an SQLCODE variable can be declared somewhere in the program.

An SQLCA should not be provided when using LANGLEVEL SQL92E. The SQL INCLUDE statement can be used to provide the declaration of the SQLCA in all languages but REXX. The SQLCA is automatically provided in REXX.

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