This section contains the Client Configuration Assistant Interface (CCA) messages. The messages are listed in numeric sequence.
CCA2001W No files were found matching the file pattern specified.
Explanation: A request was made to read from files matching the specified file pattern. No files were found matching the pattern.
User Response: Correct the file pattern specified and retry the operation.
CCA2002W An error was encountered updating the TCP/IP services file.
Explanation: An attempt to add a service name and port number to the TCP/IP services file failed or Network Information Services is being used and only the local services file was updated. The port number was used to catalog the node instead of the service name.
User Response: If you wish to use the service name instead of the port number in the node directory entry, the node must be manually uncataloged and then recataloged using the service name. The services file must also be updated manually. If Network Information Services (NIS) is being used, the local services file may have been updated but the NIS server must be updated manually. In this case, the node was also cataloged using the port number.
CCA2003W The Discover request did not return data for one or more DB2 systems.
Explanation: The discover request did not return data for one or more of the requested DB2 systems. One of the following may have occurred:
User Response: Verify that the DB2 system to which the discover request was sent is enabled for discovery. If enabled for discovery, ensure that the Administration Server on the DB2 system is running.
CCA2004W The nname value specified is not unique.
Explanation: The nname value specified is already being used by another NetBIOS application on the network.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified nname or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, any application using the existing nname will be affected.
CCA2005W The socket number specified is not unique.
Explanation: The socket number specified is being used by another DB2 instance on the workstation.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified socket or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, any application using the existing socket number will be affected.
CCA2006W An entry already exists in the TCP/IP services file for the service name and port number specified.
Explanation: An entry already exists in the TCP/IP services file for the service name and port number specified. Another application may be using the entry.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the existing entry or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, any application using the existing entry will be affected.
CCA2007W The port number specified is being used with a different service name.
Explanation: The TCP/IP services file contains an entry that uses the port number specified but the associated service name does not match the service name specified.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified service name and port number or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, a new entry will be added to the services file. Any applications using the entry with the existing port number may be affected.
CCA2008W The service name specified is being used with a different port number.
Explanation: The TCP/IP services file contains an entry that uses the service name specified but the associated port number does not match the port number specified.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified service name and port number or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, the existing entry in the services file, using the service name, will be updated to use the port number specified. This may affect any applications using the existing entry.
CCA2009W The request was cancelled by the user.
Explanation: The request was cancelled by the user.
User Response: None.
CCA2010W An attempt to update the APPC stack failed.
Explanation: An attempt to add the Transaction Program name to the APPC stack failed.
User Response: The APPC stack must be manually updated. If the Transaction Program name is not added to the stack, remote connections to the server will not be possible.
CCA2011W An attempt to add the service name and port number to the TCP/IP services file failed.
Explanation: An attempt to add the service name and port number to the TCP/IP services file failed. The database manager configuration file has been updated with the service name specified.
User Response: The service name and port number must be manually added to the TCP/IP service file. If the entry is not added to the services file, remote connections to the server will not be possible.
CCA2012W The Discover request did not find any DB2 systems.
Explanation: A request to search the network for DB2 systems completed successfully but no DB2 systems were found. Following is a list of possible reasons why no DB2 systems were found:
User Response: Following is a list of possible actions to take in order for discovery to find DB2 systems:
CCA2013W Remote database cataloged using APPC but the stack was not configured.
Explanation: A request to catalog a database resulted in a node being cataloged that uses the APPC protocol. The node was cataloged using the symbolic destination name which was retrieved from the profile specified. The APPC stack was not configured because there was insufficient information in the profile to configure the stack or APPC was not detected on the DB2 system. It was not possible to use a different protocol because no other matching protocol was detected on the client.
User Response: If APPC is not installed on the client, uncatalog the database and recatalog the database manually using a protocol that is available on both the client and server. If APPC is installed, configure the stack if it has not already been configured.
CCA2014W The transaction program name specified is not unique or has already been configured.
Explanation: The transaction program name specified is already being used by another DB2 instance or a non DB2 application on this server.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified transaction program name or 'NO' to cancel the request. If "YES" is selected, for all applications using the transaction program name concurrently, APPC will only be operational for the first one started. If any new APPC parameter values have been specified, the APPC stack will be updated with these values.
CCA2015W The service name and port number specified are being used in different entries in the services file.
Explanation: The TCP/IP services file contains entries that use the service name and port number specified but they are not being used in the same entry.
User Response: Select 'YES' to use the specified service name and port number or 'NO' to cancel the request. If 'YES' is selected, the existing entry in the services file, using the service name, will be updated to use the port number specified. This may affect any applications using the existing entries.
CCA3000C An internal error has occurred. Reason code "<reason code>".
Explanation: An unexpected internal error has occurred.
User Response: Turn trace on and retry the steps that caused the error. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3001N The specified service name and port number conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file.
Explanation: The service name and port number entered by the user conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file. The service name may already be used with a different port number, the port number may already be used with a different service name or both.
User Response: Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file.
CCA3002N An I/O error occurred.
Explanation: An error was encountered attempting to open, read, change the file position or close a file.
User Response: If a file name was specified, verify that the file name is valid and that the user has permission to access the file. Also check for any disk and operating system errors.
CCA3003N The format of the file is not valid.
Explanation: An error was encountered reading from a file. The format of the file is not valid. Possible errors include:
User Response: If a file name was specified, and the file has been modified by the user, regenerate the file and retry the operation. If the problem persists, and the file was not modified by the user, or the problem occurred during a Discover request, turn trace on and retry the steps that caused the error. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3004N An attempt to allocate memory failed.
Explanation: An error was detected attempting to allocate memory.
User Response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem persists, turn trace on and retry the operation. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3005N An error was encountered writing to a file.
Explanation: An error was detected while writing to a profile. The error could also be encountered when updating a host system password and errors are being recorded in the file db2pem.log.
User Response: Verify that the file system on which the file resides is not full and is not damaged. Also check for any operating system errors.
CCA3006N No matching communication protocol was detected.
Explanation: The database cannot be cataloged because none of the protocols available on the client match any of the protocols available at the server.
User Response: Ensure that the client and server has at least one matching communication protocol that can be detected on both the client and the server. If a matching protocol is installed on both the client and the server, the protocol could not be detected. In this case, catalog the database and node manually.
CCA3007N The database alias name specified is not valid.
Explanation: The length of the database alias specified is not a valid or the alias contains invalid characters.
User Response: Correct the alias name and resubmit the request.
CCA3009N The application requestor name specified is not valid.
Explanation: The length of the application requestor name specified is not valid or the name contains invalid characters.
User Response: Correct the application requestor and resubmit the request.
CCA3010N The length of the parameter value specified is not valid.
Explanation: The length of the parameter value specified for the application requestor is not valid.
User Response: Correct the parameter value and resubmit the request.
CCA3011N The target database name specified is not valid.
Explanation: The length of the target database name specified is not valid or the name contains invalid characters.
User Response: Correct the target database name and resubmit the request.
CCA3012N Add ODBC data source failed.
Explanation: A request to add an ODBC data source failed. The error could be caused by an out of memory error, a disk full condition or a disk failure.
User Response: Verify that the disk on which the ODBC.INI and DB2CLI.INI files reside is not full and that the disk is not damaged. In addition, if other applications are using large amounts of memory, terminate the applications and retry the operation.
CCA3013N Remove ODBC data source failed.
Explanation: A request to remove an ODBC data source failed. The error could be caused by an out of memory condition or a disk failure.
User Response: If other applications are using large amounts of memory, terminate the applications and retry the operation. Also verify that the disk on which the ODBC.INI and DB2CLI.INI files reside is not damaged.
CCA3014N The bind request cannot be processed.
Explanation: The bind request cannot be processed because another bind operation is already in progress.
User Response: Complete or terminate the bind in progress and resubmit the bind request.
CCA3015N The adapter specified is not valid.
Explanation: The adapter specified was not detected on the DB2 system.
User Response: Specify an adapter that is available and resubmit the request.
CCA3016N The nname value specified is not unique.
Explanation: The nname value specified is already being used by another NetBIOS application on the network.
User Response: Specify a unique nname and retry the operation.
CCA3017N The path specified for the file is not valid.
Explanation: An attempt was made to open the specified file but the path specified is invalid or does not exists.
User Response: Ensure that the path specified is valid and the path for the file exists.
CCA3018N The user does not have sufficient authority to access the file.
Explanation: An attempt was made to access the requested file but the user does not have the required authority to access the file.
User Response: Ensure that the user has the required authority to access the file.
CCA3019N The file name specified is a directory.
Explanation: An attempt to access the file specified failed because the name specified is a directory and not a file.
User Response: Specify a valid file name and retry the operation.
CCA3020N An attempt to access the specified file failed because of a share violation.
Explanation: An attempt to access the file specified failed because of a share violation. Another process may have the file opened in exclusive mode.
User Response: The file is currently being accessed by another process in exclusive mode. Ensure that no other process is accessing the file and retry the operation or specify another file name.
CCA3021N An attempt to retrieve, add or remove variable "<variable name>" from the DB2 Profile Registry failed. Reason code "<reason code>".
Explanation: An attempt to retrieve, add or remove the indicated variable from the DB2 Profile Registry failed. The reason code indicates the cause of the problem. The possible reason codes are as follows:
User Response: For reason code -3, terminate other applications using large amounts of memory and retry the operation. For reason code -4, ensure that the variable is set in the DB2 Profile Registry. For reason code -7, ensure that the DB2 Profile Registry has been created. For reason codes -8 and -9, ensure that the specified profile has been created. For reason code -10, ensure that the registry file is not locked by another process.
CCA3022C An attempt to retrieve the address of a function from library "<library name>" failed. Reason code "<reason code >".
Explanation: An attempt to retrieve the address of a function from the indicated library failed.
User Response: Verify that the correct version of the library is being used. If the incorrect version is being used, install the correct version. If the problem persists, turn trace on and retry the steps that caused the error. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3023C An attempt to load library "<library name>" failed. Reason code "<reason code>".
Explanation: An attempt to load the indicated library failed.
User Response: Verify that the path in which the library resides is included in the library path. Also ensure that there is enough memory available to load the library. If the problem persists, turn trace on and retry the steps that caused the error. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3024C An attempt to unload library "<library name>" failed. Reason code "<reason code>".
Explanation: An attempt to unload the indicated library failed.
User Response: Turn trace on and retry the steps that caused the internal error. If the problem reoccurs, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information:
CCA3025N One or more of the IPX/SPX parameters specified is not valid.
Explanation: One or more of the input parameters is not valid. Following is a list of possible errors:
User Response: Verify the following:
Correct all errors and retry the operation.
CCA3026N No available NetBIOS adapters detected.
Explanation: A NetBIOS adapter was not detected on the DB2 system. The database cannot be cataloged.
User Response: Catalog the database and node manually if an adapter is available on the DB2 system.
CCA3027N The port number specified is out of range.
Explanation: The TCP/IP port number specified is out of range. The maximum value that can be specified for the port number if 65534.
User Response: Specify a port number that does not exceed the maximum value and retry the operation.
CCA3028N The DB2INSTANCE variable is not valid.
Explanation: The DB2INSTANCE environment variable is not set or is set to the Administration Server instance. The Client Configuration Assistant cannot run under the Administration Server Instance.
User Response: Set the DB2INSTANCE variable to an instance other than the Administration Server instance.
CCA3029N Updating of the ODBC data source settings failed.
Explanation: A request to update the settings of an ODBC data source failed. The error could be caused by an out of memory error, a disk full condition or a disk failure.
User Response: Verify that the disk on which the DB2CLI.INI file resides is not full and that the disk is not damaged. In addition, if other applications are using large amounts of memory, terminate the applications and retry the operation.
CCA3030N Values missing for configuring APPC.
Explanation: A request was made to catalog a database using APPC or to configure a server instance for APPC. The request could not be completed because one or more parameters were not specified.
User Response: Ensure that all required parameters have been specified and retry the operation.
CCA3031N The APPC stack has not been configured for the database selected.
Explanation: The database selected is using APPC for the database connection. However, the APPC stack has not been configured for the connection.
User Response: Configure the APPC stack for the database selected.
CCA5000N The user ID specified is not valid.
Explanation: The user ID specified does not exist.
User Response: Enter the correct user ID and resubmit the request.
CCA5001N The password specified is incorrect.
Explanation: The password specified for the user ID is incorrect.
User Response: Enter the correct password for the user ID and resubmit the request.
CCA5002N The password for the user ID has expired.
Explanation: The password for the user ID has expired and cannot be updated.
User Response: Contact your system administrator to have the password reset.
CCA5003N The new password specified is not valid.
Explanation: The new password specified is not valid.
User Response: Enter a valid password and resubmit the request.
CCA5004N An unexpected error occurred.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the password for the user ID specified. Additional information may have been written to the file db2pem.log in the instance directory.
User Response: Contact your system administrator for further assistance and provide the information from the file db2pem.log.