IBM Books

Message Reference

Capture program for AS/400 messages

ASN200A User table &1 registration not satisfied. The registration probably should be removed.

Explanation: There are many reasons that data capturing for a replication source cannot continue. Depending on the severity, you can receive either an ASN2004 or an ASN200A message.

Because a journal job is usually responsible for capturing data from several replication sources, the journal job is not affected by these messages. These messages were generated due to a specific replication source. After sending the ASN2004 or ASN200A message, the Capture program continues processing other replication sources. The program ends only if the last remaining replication source it is processing results in an ASN2004 or ASN200A message.

User Response: Use the DSPMSGD command to determine the conditions that caused this message. For example:


ASN2004 User table &1 registration not satisfied.

Explanation: see ASN200A

User Response: Check the job log of the job that sent the message. Correct the problem and try the request again.

ASN2017 Starting point not found for journal &1 (C I G R).

Explanation: One of the first tasks in the Capture control job is to establish the starting point with which to resume journal entry processing. The journal receiver containing entries corresponding to that starting point must be online. If that receiver is deleted prematurely, the control job sends message ASN2017 to ask you how you want to proceed.

Response I tells the control job to ignore the fact that a receiver is missing. Data capturing resumes using the current receiver chain. If you response I, you are responsible for the integrity of the replication.

Response C cancels the Capture control job.

Response R retries establishing the starting point.

User Response: In most cases, a response of G is appropriate. (Cold start all the replication sources using this journal.)

ASN2028 Internal error in Capture program.

Explanation: The Capture program detected an internal error and posted a reason code.

User Response: Record the reason code and contact your system administrator.

ASN2039 Lag limit exceeded

Explanation: Exceeding the lag limit causes the Capture component to send an ASN2039 message to the job log and to the system operator message queue.

User Response: By gathering system performance data, you can better determine what action might be necessary. Some possible solutions are:

ASN2201 Internal error in Capture program

Explanation: An error occurred in the Capture program.

User Response: Check the job log to determine the cause of the problem. Record the reason code and contact your system administrator.

ASN2301 Internal error in Capture program

Explanation: This message is sent by the journal job as an escape message before the journal job ends. A condition exists that makes it impossible to continue capturing data.

User Response: Check the job log to determine the cause of the problem. To aid in problem determination, use the DSPMSGD command to determine the conditions that caused this message to be displayed. For example:


Record the reason code and contact your system administrator.

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