This section contains the Call Level Interface (CLI) messages. The messages are listed in numeric sequence.
CLI0001W Disconnect error.
Explanation: An error occurred during the disconnect. However, the disconnect succeeded.
User Response: Validate that the communication between the client and the server are still active.
CLI0002W Data truncated.
Explanation: An output buffer specified is not large enough to contain the data.
User Response: Increase the size of the output buffer.
CLI0003W Privilege not revoked.
Explanation: The statement was a REVOKE statement and the user did not have the specified privilege.
User Response: No action needed.
CLI0004W Invalid connection string attribute.
Explanation: An invalid or unsupported connection string attribute was specified in the connection string but the driver was able to connect to the data source anyway.
User Response: No action needed.
CLI0005W Option value changed.
Explanation: The driver did not support the specified option value and substituted a similar value.
User Response: No action needed.
CLI0006W SQLCancel treated like a close.
Explanation: The SQLCancel call was treated like a SQLFreeStmt call with the SQL_CLOSE option.
User Response: No action needed.
CLI0100E Wrong number of parameters.
Explanation: The number of parameters specified in SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter was less than number of parameters in the SQL statement.
User Response: Respecify the SQL statement or provide more input parameters through SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter.
CLI0101E The statement did not return a result set.
Explanation: The previous statement does not result in a result set.
User Response: Respecify the SQL statement.
CLI0102E Invalid conversion.
Explanation: The conversion between the application data type and SQL data type is not supported by the driver.
User Response: Respecify a data conversion which is supported by the driver.
CLI0103E Too many columns.
Explanation: The number of columns specified in SQLBindCol is greater than the number of columns in the current result set.
User Response: Respecify the SQL statement or reset the bound column information in SQLBindCol.
CLI0104E Unable to connect to data source.
Explanation: The driver was unable to establish a connection with the data source.
User Response: Ensure the server is started and that the communications between the client and server are correct.
CLI0105E Connection in use.
Explanation: The specified connection handle is already being used and the connection is still opened.
User Response: Allocate a new connection using SQLAllocConnect and retry the connection or terminate the existing connection.
CLI0106E Connection is closed.
Explanation: The connection specified by the connection handle is no longer active.
User Response: Establish a new connection.
CLI0107E Connection failure during transaction.
Explanation: The connection failed during the execution of the function and it cannot be determined whether the COMMIT or ROLLBACK occurred before the failure.
User Response: Establish a new connection.
CLI0108E Communication link failure.
Explanation: The connection between the driver and the data source failed during execution of this function.
User Response: Establish a new connection.
CLI0109E String data right truncation.
Explanation: The data specified through SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter is larger than the maximum size allowed for the corresponding use of a parameter marker.
User Response: Respecify the parameter using SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter.
CLI0110E Invalid output or indicator buffer specified.
Explanation: The returned data was NULL but the output or indicator buffer specified was a NULL buffer.
User Response: Respecify the output or indicator buffer supplying a non-NULL buffer and retry the operation.
CLI0111E Numeric value out of range.
Explanation: Returning the numeric data would have caused the whole part of the number to be truncated.
SQLPutData was called more than once for a parameter and the input data was not of type character or binary.
User Response: Respecify the output bindings either through SQLBindCol or SQLGetData to avoid creating a numeric data truncation.
Do not call SQLPutData for a parameter if the application data type specified for that parameter through SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter is not SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_BINARY.
CLI0112E Error in assignment.
Explanation: The data sent for a parameter or column was incompatible with the data type of the associated table column.
User Response: Respecify the output binding through SQLBindCol or SQLGetData or the input binding through SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter.
CLI0113E Invalid date format.
Explanation: The data sent for a date field was invalid.
User Response: Respecify the date data.
CLI0114E Datetime field overflow.
Explanation: The data sent for a date, time, or timestamp parameter, or column, was invalid.
User Response: Respecify the date, time, or timestamp data.
CLI0115E Invalid cursor state.
Explanation: The statement is not positioned on a row.
User Response: Position the statement on a row by calling SQLFetch or SQLExtendedFetch and retry the operation.
CLI0116E Invalid transaction state.
Explanation: There was a transaction in progress when SQLDisconnect was called.
User Response: Call SQLTransact before calling SQLDisconnect.
CLI0117E Invalid cursor name.
Explanation: An invalid or duplicate cursor name was specified in SQLSetCursorName.
User Response: Respecify a valid cursor name through SQLSetCursorName.
CLI0118E Invalid SQL syntax.
Explanation: An invalid or incorrect SQL statement was specified.
User Response: Respecify a valid SQL statement.
CLI0119E Unexpected system failure.
Explanation: An unexpected system failure occurred while processing the function.
User Response: Restart the application and try again.
CLI0120E Memory allocation failure.
Explanation: The driver was unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function.
User Response: Verify that your system has enough memory to complete the desired operation.
CLI0121E Invalid column number.
Explanation: The value specified in iCol is less than zero, greater than the number of columns in the result set, or greater than the maximum number of columns allowed in a result set.
User Response: Respecify a valid value for iCol.
CLI0122E Program type out of range.
Explanation: The value specified for fCType is not valid.
User Response: Respecify a valid value for fCType.
CLI0123E SQL data type out of range.
Explanation: The value specified for fSQLType is not valid.
User Response: Respecify a valid value for fSQLType.
CLI0124E Invalid argument value.
Explanation: The value specified for an argument was invalid. Possible reasons may be a null pointer, invalid length, invalid option, etc.
User Response: Re-examine the argument passed in to the function and determine which argument is invalid.
CLI0125E Function sequence error.
Explanation: This function was called in an invalid sequence.
User Response: Correct the sequence in your application and retry the operation.
CLI0126E Operation invalid at this time.
Explanation: The operation the system is trying to perform is invalid at this time.
User Response: Correct the sequence of operation and retry the operation.
CLI0127E Invalid transaction code.
Explanation: The transaction option specified in SQLTransact was not SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK.
User Response: Specify either SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK and retry the operation.
CLI0128E Unexpected memory handling error.
Explanation: Memory handling error.
User Response: An unexpected error occurred in the driver while handling some internal memory buffer. Restart your application.
CLI0129E No more handles.
Explanation: A call was made to SQLAllocEnv, SQLAllocConnect, or SQLAllocStmt but no more handles are available in the driver.
User Response: Call SQLFreeEnv, SQLFreeConnect, or SQLFreeStmt to free up some handles which are no longer being used in the application.
CLI0130E No cursor name available.
Explanation: There was no open cursor on the statement and no cursor had been set with SQLSetCursorName.
User Response: Specify a cursor name through SQLSetCursorName.
CLI0131E Invalid string or buffer length.
Explanation: The length of the buffer specified is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid buffer length.
CLI0132E Descriptor type out of range.
Explanation: The description type specified is not valid.
User Response: Specify a valid descriptor type.
CLI0133E Option type out of range.
Explanation: The option type specified is not valid.
User Response: Specify a valid option type.
CLI0134E Invalid parameter number.
Explanation: The number specified for the parameter number is less than zero or greater than the maximum parameter supported by the data source.
User Response: Specify a valid parameter number.
CLI0135E Invalid scale value.
Explanation: The scale value specified is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid scale value.
CLI0136E Function type out of range.
Explanation: The function type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid function type value.
CLI0137E Information type out of range.
Explanation: The information type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid information type value.
CLI0138E Column type out of range.
Explanation: The column type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid column type value.
CLI0139E Scope type out of range.
Explanation: The scope type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid scope type value.
CLI0140E Uniqueness option type out of range.
Explanation: The uniqueness option type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid uniqueness option type value.
CLI0141E Accuracy option type out of range.
Explanation: The accuracy option type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid accuracy option type value.
CLI0142E Direction option out of range.
Explanation: The direction option is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid direction option value.
CLI0143E Invalid precision value.
Explanation: The precision value is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid precision value.
CLI0144E Invalid parameter type.
Explanation: The parameter type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid parameter type value.
CLI0145E Fetch type out of range.
Explanation: The fetch type is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid fetch type value.
CLI0146E Row value out of range.
Explanation: The row value is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid row value.
CLI0147E Concurrency option out of range.
Explanation: The concurrency option is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid concurrency option value.
CLI0148E Invalid cursor position.
Explanation: The cursor position is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid cursor position value.
CLI0149E Invalid driver completion.
Explanation: The driver completion is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid driver completion value.
CLI0150E Driver not capable.
Explanation: The operation is valid but not supported by either the driver or the data source.
User Response: Specify a valid operation.
CLI0151E No data pending.
Explanation: SQLParamData or SQLPutData was called but there is no data at execute pending on this statement.
User Response: Respecify the parameters through SQLSetParam or SQLBindParameter.
CLI0152E Not a string value.
Explanation: The function expected a string argument to be supplied.
User Response: Respecify the argument to the function.
CLI0153E Invalid file name length.
Explanation: The length specified for the file name is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid file name length.
CLI0154E Invalid connection state.
Explanation: An attempt to change the connection type was made but the connection or another connection (in the case of Distributed Unit of Work) is already opened.
User Response: Do not attempt to change the connection type once the connection is opened.
CLI0155E File name length is too long.
Explanation: The length supplied for the file name is greater than supported.
User Response: Specify a valid file name length.
CLI0156E Error closing a file.
Explanation: An unexpected condition occurred while closing a file.
User Response: Retry the operation.
CLI0157E Error opening a file.
Explanation: An unexpected condition occurred while opening a file.
User Response: Retry the operation.
CLI0158E Error writing to a file.
Explanation: An unexpected condition occurred while writing to a file.
User Response: Retry the operation.
CLI0159E Error deleting a file.
Explanation: An unexpected condition occurred while deleting a file.
User Response: Retry the operation.
CLI0164E Nullable type out of range.
Explanation: An invalid nullable value was specified.
User Response: Respecify the nullable value.
CLI0165E Error in row.
Explanation: An error occurred while fetching one or more rows. (Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.)
User Response: Retry the operation.
CLI0166E PARMLIST syntax error.
Explanation: The PARMLIST value in the stored procedures catalog table contains a syntax error.
User Response: Respecify the row for this stored procedure.
CLI0167E Operation was cancelled.
Explanation: SQLCancel was called on the statement.
User Response: Resubmit the operation.
CLI0171E The database was unable to connect. Reason:
Explanation: The database connection failed. The 'Reason:' will explain why the database was unable to connect.
User Response: Fix the problem, and try the connect again.
CLI0172E The database was unable to connect. Would you like to continue with the configuration? Reason:
Explanation: The database connection failed. The 'Reason:' will explain why the database was unable to connect.
User Response: Fix the problem, and try the connect again or continue with the configuration.
CLI0175E No ODBC Driver Manager has been found. ODBCINST.INI file cannot be opened.
Explanation: Neither one of the Visigenic or the Intersolv ODBC Driver Managers have been installed. An ODBC Driver Manager must be present before the DB2 ODBC Driver can be registered into the associated ODBCINST.INI file.
User Response: Install an ODBC Driver Manager, and try running this command again.
CLI0176E Unable to write to the ODBCINST.INI file.
Explanation: An error has occurred while writing to an ODBCINST.INI file to be used with an ODBC Driver Manager. This may be due to invalid format of the original ODBCINST.INI file.
User Response: Rename the existing ODBCINST.INI file to something else and try running this command again. If this error persists, contact your technical support.
CLI0177E Cannot determine where the DB2 OS/2 Client is installed.
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to locate where the DB2 OS/2 client is installed.
User Response: Check that the DB2 OS/2 Client has been correctly installed.
CLI0178I The DB2 ODBC Driver has been successfully registered.
Explanation: The DB2 ODBC Driver has been registered with the installed ODBC Driver Manager(s).
User Response: The user can now use the appropriate ODBC Administrator tool from the ODBC Driver Manager vendor to configure the ODBC data sources.
CLI0179E Unable to display dialog box.
Explanation: The DB2 ODBC Driver cannot open a dialog box with the window handle provided by the application.
User Response: The application must pass a valid window handle.
CLI0180E Invalid bookmark value.
Explanation: The argument fFetchOrientation was SQL_FETCH_BOOKMARK and the bookmark pointed to by te value SQL_ATTR_FETCH_BOOKMARK_PTR statement attribute was not valid.
User Response: Re-specify a valid bookmark value.
CLI0181E Invalid descriptor index.
Explanation: The value specified for the column number argument is invalid.
User Response: Re-specify a valid column number.
CLI0182W Fractional truncation.
Explanation: The data for one of the columns was truncated.
User Response: None needed.
CLI0183E Associated statement is not prepared.
Explanation: The descriptor handle was associated with an IRD, and the associated statement handle was not in a prepared state.
User Response: Prepare the statement associated with the descriptor.
CLI0184E Cannot modify an implementation row descriptor.
Explanation: The descriptor handle was associated with an IRD, and IRD record fields cannot be updated.
User Response: Specify a valid descriptor and field.
CLI0185E Invalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor handle.
Explanation: Only explict descriptors allocated using the SQLAllocHandle function can be used in this manner.
User Response: Use an explictly allocated descriptor.
CLI0186E Server declined cancel request.
Explanation: Communication errors caused the server to decline the cancel request.
User Response: None needed.
CLI0187E Non-character and non-binary data sent in pieces.
Explanation: SQLPutData was called more than once for a column that was not a character or binary column.
User Response: Only call SQLPutData once for non-character and non-binary data.
CLI0188E Attempt to concatenate a null value.
Explanation: A previous call to SQLPutData for this parameter specified an input buffer length of SQL_NULL_DATA
User Response: Call SQLPutData with a valid input buffer length or ensure SQLPutData is called the correct number of times.
CLI0189E Inconsistent descriptor information.
Explanation: The associated descriptor failed a consistency check.
User Response: Ensure that descriptor fields are valid, and all interdependent fields are set correctly.
CLI0190E Descriptor invalid on indirect reference.
Explanation: The descriptor handle was invalid, or the TYPE, OCTECT_LENGTH, DATA_PTR, INDICATOR_PTR, or OCTECT_LENGTH_PTR field of the ARD contained an invalid value.
User Response: Ensure the indirect descriptor handle is valid and that the deferred fields are set correctly.
CLI0191E Invalid attribute value.
Explanation: The value given was not correct for the specified attribute.
User Response: Use a correct value for the specified attribute.
CLI0600E Invalid connection handle or connection is closed.
Explanation: Connection had been closed prior to the operation.
User Response: Ensure connection close is not called prior to the operation.
CLI0601E Invalid statement handle or statement is closed.
Explanation: Statement had been closed prior to the operation.
User Response: Ensure statement close and statement connection close are not called prior to the operation.
CLI0602E Memory allocation error on server.
Explanation: Cannot allocate memory on server.
User Response: Ask your database administrator to check the DB2 JDBC log file for details. Rerun your program.
CLI0603E CallableStatement get*** method was called without registerOutParameter.
Explanation: Get*** method was called on a parameter that was not registered using registerOutParameter.
User Response: Add registerOutParameter call for the parameter.
CLI0604E CallableStatement get*** method was called without calling execute.
Explanation: The CallableStatement get*** method was called prior to calling CallableStatement execute.
User Response: Make sure that CallableStatement execute is called prior to any CallableStatement get*** method.
CLI0605E CallableStatement get*** method did not match the type used in registerOutParameter.
Explanation: The CallableStatement get*** method was not the one that corresponds to the type used in registerOutParameter for this parameter.
User Response: Change to the get*** method that matches to the type used in registerOutParameter for this parameter. (Refer to JDBC specification)
CLI0606E The returned value from a column is incompatible with the data type corresponding to the get*** method.
Explanation: The value in a CHAR/VARCHAR/LONGVARCHAR column is not a valid numeric value.
User Response: Use the appropriate get methods other than the ones that return numeric values.
CLI0607E Invalid datetime format.
Explanation: The value in CHAR/VARCHAR/LONGVARCHAR column is invalid date/time/ timestamp value.
User Response: Use appropriate get*** method other than getDate/getTime/ getTimestamp.
CLI0608E Invalid conversion.
Explanation: The get*** method is invalid on this column type.
User Response: Use the valid get*** method (see JDBC specification) to retrieve data from this column.
CLI0609E Numeric value out of range.
Explanation: The value of this column is too large/small for a short or int value, conversion will cause data loss.
User Response: Use the get method that can accommodate the value.
CLI0610E Invalid column number.
Explanation: The column number is less than 1 or greater than the total number of columns in the ResultSet.
User Response: Make sure the column number is no less than 1 and no greater than the total number of columns.
CLI0611E Invalid column name.
Explanation: The given column name cannot be found in the ResultSet.
User Response: Ensure the column name is correct.
CLI0612E Invalid parameter number.
Explanation: The given parameter number is less than 1 or greater than the total number of parameters.
User Response: Ensure the parameter number is no less than 1 and no greater than the total number of parameters.
CLI0613E Program type out of range.
Explanation: The object given in the PreparedStatment/CallableStatement setObject is not a valid object type.
User Response: Make sure the object to be set is one of the object types allowed in setObject (see JDBC specification).
CLI0614E Error sending to the socket, server is not responding.
Explanation: Error happened while sending data to server, server may be down.
User Response: Ensure the server is up, and rerun your program.
CLI0615E Error receiving from socket, server is not responding.
Explanation: Error happened while receiving from server, server may be down.
User Response: Ensure JDBC server is up, and rerun your program.
CLI0616E Error opening socket.
Explanation: Cannot open the socket to server, server may be down.
User Response: Ensure JDBC server is up, and rerun your program.
CLI0617E Error closing socket.
Explanation: Cannot close the socket to server. Server may be down.
User Response: Ensure JDBC server is up, and rerun your program.
CLI0618E Userid and/or password invalid.
Explanation: The given userid/password is not valid.
User Response: Make sure the userid/password is correct, and rerun your program.
CLI0619E Invalid UTF8 data format.
Explanation: When getUnicodeStream is called on columns that are not DBCS columns, the decoding from UTF8 format is done, but the data cannot be decoded properly.
User Response: Use getString/getBytes/getAsciiStream/getBinaryStream instead.
CLI0620E IOException, error reading from input stream.
Explanation: Error happened when reading data to be put from input stream.
User Response: Make sure the file exists, and file length is correctly given.
CLI0621E Unsupported JDBC Server configuration.
Explanation: The target JDBC Server configuration is not supported. If you are running the Control Center, the target JDBC Server must be a standalone db2jd process (started via db2jstrt) and not a 2-tier native JDBC Server.
User Response: Reconfigure the JDBC Server using db2jstrt on the port targeted by the Control Center.
CLI0622E Error accessing JDBC administration service extensions.
Explanation: The Control Center depends upon administration support services that run with the JDBC server. The Control Center was not able to locate or access these administration services.
User Response: Ensure that the Control Center's administration services are installed with the JDBC server.
CLI0623E Code page conversion tables do not exist.
Explanation: Cannot find the codepage conversion tables.
User Response: Ensure the conversion tables (from the local codepage to Unicode and from Unicode to the local codepage) are installed.
CLI0624E Code page conversion tables are not loaded.
Explanation: Cannot load the codepage conversion tables.
User Response: Ensure your JDBC application has access to the code page tables and the tables are not corrupted.
CLI0625E You specified JDBC 1.22 behavior; cannot use JDBC 2.0 functions.
Explanation: The function you are trying to call is a new function defined in JDBC 2.0, but you specified you want JDBC 1.22 behavior.
User Response: Do not set the JDBCVERSION keyword to "122" if you want to use JDBC 2.0 functions. It should remain unset or be set to "200".
CLI0626E "<function-name>" is not supported in this version of DB2 JDBC 2.0 driver.
Explanation: This feature is not supported by this version of the DB2 UDB JDBC 2.0 driver.
User Response: Do not use this feature.
CLI0627E This result set is not scrollable.
Explanation: This result set is not scrollable.
User Response: Ensure you set the statement/result set attribute to SCROLLABLE.
CLI0628E No. "<parameter-number>" parameter marker in parameter set no. "<set-number>" was not set.
Explanation: Set*** has not been called for this input parameter.
User Response: Call the set*** method.
CLI0629E "<function-name>" is not supported for this column.
Explanation: This operation cannot be called for this column.
User Response: Change to other method.
CLI0630E Unknown result set type/concurrency "<number>".
Explanation: An invalid value for result set type or concurrency has been specified.
User Response: Change the value to the proper value given in the specification.
CLI0631E No random access for mixed char/clob column.
Explanation: Random access is not supported for this mixed char column.
User Response: Retrieve the data sequentially.
CLI0632E Invalid Fetch Size; must be between 0 and maxRows, inclusively.
Explanation: The fetch size specified must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to maxRows.
User Response: Modifiy the value.
CLI0633E Cannot call relative() when there is no current row.
Explanation: The relative method was called when the cursor is not at a valid row.
User Response: First move the cursor to a valid row (using absolute, next, etc), then call relative.
CLI0634E Error allocating CLI environment handle.
Explanation: SQLAllocEnv failed during initialization.
User Response: Ensure the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set properly.