IBM Books

Call Level Interface Guide and Reference

Table of Contents

About This Book

  • Who Should Use this book
  • How this Book is Structured
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to CLI

  • DB2 CLI Background Information
  • Differences Between DB2 CLI and Embedded SQL
  • Comparing Embedded SQL and DB2 CLI
  • Advantages of Using DB2 CLI
  • Deciding on Embedded SQL or DB2 CLI
  • Supported Environments
  • Other Information Sources
  • Chapter 2. Writing a DB2 CLI Application

  • Initialization and Termination
  • Handles
  • Connecting to One or More Data Sources
  • Initialization and Connection Example
  • Transaction Processing
  • Diagnostics
  • Data Types and Data Conversion
  • Working with String Arguments
  • Querying Environment and Data Source Information
  • Chapter 3. Using Advanced Features

  • Environment, Connection, and Statement Attributes
  • Writing Multi-Threaded Applications
  • When to Use Multiple Threads
  • Programming Tips
  • Multisite Updates (Two Phase Commit)
  • DB2 as Transaction Monitor
  • Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) as Transaction Monitor
  • Process-based XA-Compliant Transaction Program Monitor (XA TP)
  • Host and AS/400 Database Servers
  • Querying System Catalog Information
  • Input Arguments on Catalog Functions
  • Catalog Functions Example
  • Scrollable Cursors
  • Static, Read-Only Cursor
  • Keyset-Driven Cursor
  • Deciding on Which Cursor Type to Use
  • Specifying the Rowset Returned from the Result Set
  • Typical Scrollable Cursors Application
  • Using Bookmarks with Scrollable Cursors
  • Sending/Retrieving Long Data in Pieces
  • Specifying Parameter Values at Execute Time
  • Fetching Data in Pieces
  • Piecewise Input and Retrieval Example
  • Using Arrays to Input Parameter Values
  • Column-Wise Array Insert
  • Row-Wise Array Insert
  • Retrieving Diagnostic Information
  • Parameter Binding Offsets
  • Array Input Example
  • Retrieving a Result Set into an Array
  • Returning Array Data for Column-Wise Bound Data
  • Returning Array Data for Row-Wise Bound Data
  • Column Binding Offsets
  • Column-Wise, Row-Wise Binding Example
  • Using Descriptors
  • Descriptor Types
  • Values Stored in a Descriptor
  • Allocating and Freeing Descriptors
  • Getting, Setting, and Copying Descriptor Fields
  • Descriptor Sample
  • Using Compound SQL
  • ATOMIC and NOT ATOMIC Compound SQL
  • Compound SQL Error Handling
  • Compound SQL Example
  • Using Large Objects
  • LOB Examples
  • Using LOBs in ODBC Applications
  • Using User Defined Types (UDT)
  • User Defined Type Example
  • Using Stored Procedures
  • Calling Stored Procedures
  • Registering Stored Procedures
  • Handling Stored Procedure Arguments (SQLDA)
  • Returning Result Sets from Stored Procedures
  • Writing a Stored Procedure in CLI
  • Stored Procedure Example
  • Mixing Embedded SQL and DB2 CLI
  • Mixed Embedded SQL and DB2 CLI Example
  • Asynchronous Execution of CLI
  • Typical Asynchronous Application
  • Sample Asynchronous Application
  • Using Vendor Escape Clauses
  • Escape Clause Syntax
  • ODBC Date, Time, Timestamp Data
  • ODBC Outer Join Syntax
  • LIKE Predicate Escape Clauses
  • Stored Procedure Call Syntax
  • ODBC Scalar Functions
  • Chapter 4. Configuring CLI/ODBC and Running Sample Applications

  • Setting up the DB2 CLI Runtime Environment
  • Running CLI/ODBC Programs
  • Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC Access
  • Detailed Configuration Information
  • Application Development Environments
  • Compiling a Sample Application
  • Compile and Link Options
  • DB2 CLI/ODBC Configuration Keyword Listing
  • Configuration Keywords
  • Chapter 5. DB2 CLI Functions

  • DB2 CLI Function Summary
  • SQLAllocConnect - Allocate Connection Handle
  • SQLAllocEnv - Allocate Environment Handle
  • SQLAllocHandle - Allocate Handle
  • SQLAllocStmt - Allocate a Statement Handle
  • SQLBindCol - Bind a Column to an Application Variable or LOB Locator
  • SQLBindFileToCol - Bind LOB File Reference to LOB Column
  • SQLBindFileToParam - Bind LOB File Reference to LOB Parameter
  • SQLBindParameter - Bind A Parameter Marker to a Buffer or LOB Locator
  • SQLBrowseConnect - Get Required Attributes to Connect to Data source
  • SQLBuildDataLink - Build DATALINK Value
  • SQLBulkOperations - Add, Update, Delete or Fetch a Set of Rows
  • SQLCancel - Cancel Statement
  • SQLCloseCursor - Close Cursor and Discard Pending Results
  • SQLColAttribute - Return a Column Attribute
  • SQLColAttributes - Get Column Attributes
  • SQLColumnPrivileges - Get Privileges Associated With The Columns of A Table
  • SQLColumns - Get Column Information for a Table
  • SQLConnect - Connect to a Data Source
  • SQLCopyDesc - Copy Descriptor Information Between Handles
  • SQLDataSources - Get List of Data Sources
  • SQLDescribeCol - Return a Set of Attributes for a Column
  • SQLDescribeParam - Return Description of a Parameter Marker
  • SQLDisconnect - Disconnect from a Data Source
  • SQLDriverConnect - (Expanded) Connect to a Data Source
  • SQLEndTran - End Transactions of a Connection
  • SQLError - Retrieve Error Information
  • SQLExecDirect - Execute a Statement Directly
  • SQLExecute - Execute a Statement
  • SQLExtendedBind - Bind an Array of Columns
  • SQLExtendedFetch - Extended Fetch (Fetch Array of Rows)
  • SQLExtendedPrepare - Prepare a Statement and Set Statement Attributes
  • SQLFetch - Fetch Next Row
  • SQLFetchScroll - Fetch Rowset and Return Data for All Bound Columns
  • SQLForeignKeys - Get the List of Foreign Key Columns
  • SQLFreeConnect - Free Connection Handle
  • SQLFreeEnv - Free Environment Handle
  • SQLFreeHandle - Free Handle Resources
  • SQLFreeStmt - Free (or Reset) a Statement Handle
  • SQLGetConnectAttr - Get Current Attribute Setting
  • SQLGetConnectOption - Return Current Setting of A Connect Option
  • SQLGetCursorName - Get Cursor Name
  • SQLGetData - Get Data From a Column
  • SQLGetDataLinkAttr - Get DataLink Attribute Value
  • SQLGetDescField - Get Single Field Settings of Descriptor Record
  • SQLGetDescRec - Get Multiple Field Settings of Descriptor Record
  • SQLGetDiagField - Get a Field of Diagnostic Data
  • SQLGetDiagRec - Get Multiple Fields Settings of Diagnostic Record
  • SQLGetEnvAttr - Retrieve Current Environment Attribute Value
  • SQLGetFunctions - Get Functions
  • SQLGetInfo - Get General Information
  • SQLGetLength - Retrieve Length of A String Value
  • SQLGetPosition - Return Starting Position of String
  • SQLGetSQLCA - Get SQLCA Data Structure
  • SQLGetStmtAttr - Get Current Setting of a Statement Attribute
  • SQLGetStmtOption - Return Current Setting of A Statement Option
  • SQLGetSubString - Retrieve Portion of A String Value
  • SQLGetTypeInfo - Get Data Type Information
  • SQLMoreResults - Determine If There Are More Result Sets
  • SQLNativeSql - Get Native SQL Text
  • SQLNumParams - Get Number of Parameters in A SQL Statement
  • SQLNumResultCols - Get Number of Result Columns
  • SQLParamData - Get Next Parameter For Which A Data Value Is Needed
  • SQLParamOptions - Specify an Input Array for a Parameter
  • SQLPrepare - Prepare a Statement
  • SQLPrimaryKeys - Get Primary Key Columns of A Table
  • SQLProcedureColumns - Get Input/Output Parameter Information for A Procedure
  • SQLProcedures - Get List of Procedure Names
  • SQLPutData - Passing Data Value for A Parameter
  • SQLRowCount - Get Row Count
  • SQLSetColAttributes - Set Column Attributes
  • SQLSetConnectAttr - Set Connection Attributes
  • SQLSetConnection - Set Connection Handle
  • SQLSetConnectOption - Set Connection Option
  • SQLSetCursorName - Set Cursor Name
  • SQLSetDescField - Set a Single Field of a Descriptor Record
  • SQLSetDescRec - Set Multiple Descriptor Fields for a Column or Parameter Data
  • SQLSetEnvAttr - Set Environment Attribute
  • SQLSetParam - Bind A Parameter Marker to a Buffer or LOB Locator
  • SQLSetPos - Set the Cursor Position in a Rowset
  • SQLSetStmtAttr - Set Options Related to a Statement
  • SQLSetStmtOption - Set Statement Option
  • SQLSpecialColumns - Get Special (Row Identifier) Columns
  • SQLStatistics - Get Index and Statistics Information For A Base Table
  • SQLTablePrivileges - Get Privileges Associated With A Table
  • SQLTables - Get Table Information
  • SQLTransact - Transaction Management
  • Appendix A. Programming Hints and Tips

  • Setting Common Connection Attributes
  • Setting Common Statement Attributes
  • Comparing Binding and SQLGetData
  • Increasing Transfer Efficiency
  • Limiting Use of Catalog Functions
  • Using Column Names of Function Generated Result Sets
  • Loading DB2 CLI Specific Functions From ODBC Applications
  • Making use of Dynamic SQL Statement Caching
  • Making use of the Global Dynamic Statement Cache
  • Optimizing Insertion and Retrieval of Data
  • Optimizing for Large Object Data
  • Case Sensitivity of Object Identifiers
  • Using SQLDriverConnect Instead of SQLConnect
  • Implementing an SQL Governor
  • Turning Off Statement Scanning
  • Holding Cursors Across Rollbacks
  • Preparing Compound SQL Sub-Statements
  • Casting User Defined Types (UDTs)
  • Use Multiple Threads rather than Asynchronous Execution
  • Using Deferred Prepare to Reduce Network Flow
  • Appendix B. Migrating Applications

  • Summary of Changes
  • Incompatibilities
  • Deprecated Functions Not Supported in a 64-bit Environment
  • Changes from Version 2.1.1 to 5.0.0
  • DB2 CLI Functions Deprecated for Version 5
  • Replacement of the Pseudo Catalog Table for Stored Procedures
  • Setting a Subset of Statement Attributes using SQLSetConnectAttr()
  • Caching Statement Handles on the Client
  • Changes to SQLColumns() Return Values
  • Changes to SQLProcedureColumns() Return Values
  • Changes to the InfoTypes in SQLGetInfo()
  • Deferred Prepare now on by Default
  • Changes from version 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
  • Stored Procedures that return multi-row result sets
  • Data Conversion and Values for SQLGetInfo
  • Changes from version 1.x to 2.1.0
  • Graphic Data Type Values
  • Mixing Embedded SQL, Without CONNECT RESET
  • User Defined Types in Predicates
  • Data Conversion Values for SQLGetInfo
  • Function Prototype Changes
  • Setting the DB2CLI_VER Define
  • Appendix C. DB2 CLI and ODBC

  • ODBC Function List
  • Isolation Levels
  • Appendix D. Extended Scalar Functions

  • String Functions
  • Numeric Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • System Functions
  • Conversion Function
  • Appendix E. SQLSTATE Cross Reference

    Appendix F. Data Conversion

  • Data Type Attributes
  • Precision
  • Scale
  • Length
  • Display Size
  • Converting Data from SQL to C Data Types
  • Converting Character SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Graphic SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Numeric SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Binary SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Date SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Time SQL Data to C Data
  • Converting Timestamp SQL Data to C Data
  • SQL to C Data Conversion Examples
  • Converting Data from C to SQL Data Types
  • Converting Character C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting Numeric C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting Binary C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting DBCHAR C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting Date C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting Time C Data to SQL Data
  • Converting Timestamp C Data to SQL Data
  • C to SQL Data Conversion Examples
  • Appendix G. Catalog Views for Stored Procedures

    Appendix H. Pseudo Catalog Table for Stored Procedure Registration

    Appendix I. Supported SQL Statements

    Appendix J. CLI Sample Code

  • Embedded SQL Example
  • Interactive SQL Example
  • Appendix K. Using the DB2 CLI/ODBC Trace Facility

  • Enabling the Trace Using the db2cli.ini File
  • Locating the Resulting Files
  • Reading the Trace Information
  • Detailed Trace File Format
  • Example Trace File
  • Tracing Muli-Threaded or Muli-Process Applications
  • ODBC Driver Manager Tracing
  • Appendix L. How the DB2 Library Is Structured

  • Completing Tasks with SmartGuides
  • Accessing Online Help
  • DB2 Information - Hardcopy and Online
  • Viewing Online Information
  • Accessing Information with the Information Center
  • Setting Up a Document Server
  • Searching Online Information
  • Printing the PostScript Books
  • Ordering the Printed Books
  • Appendix M. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Appendix N. Contacting IBM



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