Specification: | DB2 CLI 6 |
SQLExtendedBind() is used to bind an array of columns instead of using repeated calls to SQLBindCol() or SQLBindParameter().
SQLRETURN SQLExtendedBind ( SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLSMALLINT fBindCol, SQLSMALLINT cRecords, SQLSMALLINT * pfCType, SQLPOINTER * rgbValue, SQLINTEGER * cbValueMax, SQLUINTEGER * puiPrecisionCType, SQLSMALLINT * psScaleCType, SQLINTEGER ** pcbValue, SQLINTEGER ** piIndicator, SQLSMALLINT * pfParamType, SQLSMALLINT * pfSQLType, SQLUINTEGER * pcbColDef, SQLSMALLINT * pibScale ) ;
Function Arguments
Table 61. SQLExtendedBind() Arguments
Data Type | Argument | Use | Description |
SQLHSTMT | StatementHandle | input | Statement handle. |
SQLSMALLINT | fBindCol | input | If SQL_TRUE then this output information similar to SQLBindCol(), otherwise, it is similar to SQLBindParameter(). |
SQLSMALLINT | cRecords | input | Number of columns to bind. |
SQLSMALLINT | pfCType | input | Array of values for the application data type. |
SQLPOINTER | rgbValue | input | Array of pointers to application data area. |
SQLINTEGER | cbValueMax | input | Array of maximum sizes for rgbValue. |
SQLUINTEGER | puiPrecisionCType | input | Decimal precision of record. Only used if the application data type is SQL_C_DECIMAL_IBM. |
SQLSMALLINT | psScaleCType | input | Decimal scale of record. Only used if the application data type is SQL_C_DECIMAL_IBM. |
SQLINTEGER | pcbValue | input | Array of pointers to length values. |
SQLINTEGER | piIndicator | input | Array of pointers to indicator values. |
SQLSMALLINT | pfParamType | input | Array of parameter types. Only used if fBindCol is FALSE.
Each row in this array serves the same purpose as the SQLBindParameter() argument InputOutputType. It can be set to:
SQLSMALLINT | pfSQLType | input | Array of SQL data types. Only used if fBindCol is FALSE.
Each row in this array serves the same purpose as the SQLBindParameter() argument ParameterType. |
SQLUINTEGER | pcbColDef | input | Array of SQL precision values. Only used if fBindCol is
Each row in this array serves the same purpose as the SQLBindParameter() argument ColumnSize. |
SQLSMALLINT | pibScale | input | Array of SQL scale values. Only used if fBindCol is
Each row in this array serves the same purpose as the SQLBindParameter() argument DecimalDigits. |
This function is used to replace multiple calls to SQLBindCol() or SQLBindParameter().
The argument fBindCol determines whether this function call is used to associate (bind):
For more information (including allowed argument values), see SQLBindCol - Bind a Column to an Application Variable or LOB Locator and SQLBindParameter - Bind A Parameter Marker to a Buffer or LOB Locator
Return Codes
Table 62. SQLExtendedBind() SQLSTATEs
SQLSTATE | Description | Explanation |
07006 | Invalid conversion. | The conversion from the data value identified by a row in the pfCType argument to the data type identified by the pfParamType argument is not a meaningful conversion. (For example, conversion from SQL_C_DATE to SQL_DOUBLE.) |
07009 | Invalid descriptor index | The value specified for the argument cRecords exceeded the maximum number of columns in the result set. |
40003 08S01 | Communication link failure. | The communication link between the application and data source failed before the function completed. |
58004 | Unexpected system failure. | Unrecoverable system error. |
HY001 | Memory allocation failure. | DB2 CLI is unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY003 | Program type out of range. | A row in pfParamType or pfSQLType was not a valid data type or SQL_C_DEFAULT. |
HY004 | SQL data type out of range. | The value specified for the argument pfParamType is not a valid SQL data type. |
HY009 | Invalid argument value. | The argument rgbValue was a null pointer and the argument cbValueMax was a null pointer, and pfParamType is not SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT. |
HY010 | Function sequence error. | The function was called while in a data-at-execute (SQLParamData(), SQLPutData()) operation.
The function was called while within a BEGIN COMPOUND and END COMPOUND SQL operation. |
HY013 | Unexpected memory handling error. | DB2 CLI was unable to access memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY021 | Inconsistent descriptor information | The descriptor information checked during a consistency check was not consistent. |
HY090 | Invalid string or buffer length. | The value specified for the argument cbValueMax is less than 1 and the argument the corresponding row in pfParamType or pfSQLType is either SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_DEFAULT. |
HY093 | Invalid parameter number. | The value specified for a row in the argument pfCType was less than 1 or greater than the maximum number of parameters supported by the server. |
HY094 | Invalid scale value. | The value specified for pfParamType was either SQL_DECIMAL or
SQL_NUMERIC and the value specified for DecimalDigits was less than 0
or greater than the value for the argument pcbColDef
The value specified for pfParamType was SQL_C_TIMESTAMP and the value for pfParamType was either SQL_CHAR or SQL_VARCHAR and the value for DecimalDigits was less than 0 or greater than 6. |
HY104 | Invalid precision value. | The value specified for pfParamType was either SQL_DECIMAL or SQL_NUMERIC and the value specified by pcbColDef was less than 1. |
HY105 | Invalid parameter type. | pfParamType is not one of SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, or SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT. |
HYC00 | Driver not capable. | DB2 CLI recognizes, but does not support the data type specified in the
row in pfParamType or pfSQLType.
A LOB locator C data type was specified, but the connected server does not support LOB data types. |
See the README file in the sqllib\samples\cli (or sqllib/samples/cli) subdirectory for a list of appropriate samples.