IBM Books

Call Level Interface Guide and Reference

Reading the Trace Information

The purpose of the trace is to display the sequence of calls, the input and output arguments and the return code for each function called. The trace is intended for people familiar (or looking to become familiar) with the DB2 CLI or ODBC function calls. Two things that are useful for anyone is the the SQL statement text being executed and any error messages that the application may not be reporting.

To locate:

Detailed Trace File Format

Refer to the example trace file below. Note that the line numbers have been added for this discussion, and do NOT appear in the trace.

Example Trace File

This example has line numbers added to aid the discussion, line numbers do NOT appear in the trace.

  1  Build Date: 97/05/13-Product: QDB2/6000 (4) - Driver Version: 05.00.0000
  2  SQLAllocHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hInput=0:0, 
           phOutput=&2ff7f388 )
  3      ---> Time elapsed - +1.399700E-002 seconds
  4  SQLAllocHandle( phOutput=0:1 )
  5      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +6.590000E-003 seconds
  6  SQLAllocHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hInput=0:1, 
           phOutput=&2ff7f378 )
  7      ---> Time elapsed - +1.120000E-002 seconds
  8  SQLAllocHandle( phOutput=0:1 )
  9      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +8.979000E-003 seconds
 10  SQLSetConnectOption( hDbc=0:1, fOption=SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, vParam=0 )
 11      ---> Time elapsed - +6.638000E-003 seconds
 12  SQLSetConnectOption( )
 13      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +1.209000E-003 seconds
 14  SQLDriverConnect( hDbc=0:1, hwnd=0:0, szConnStrIn="DSN=loopback;
           uid=clitest1;pwd=*******", cbConnStrIn=-3, szConnStrOut=&2ff7e7b4,
           cbConnStrOutMax=250, pcbConnStrOut=&2ff7e7ae,
           fDriverCompletion=SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT )
 15      ---> Time elapsed - +1.382000E-003 seconds
 16  SQLDriverConnect( szConnStrOut="DSN=LOOPBACK;UID=clitest1;PWD=*******;", 
           pcbConnStrOut=38 )
 17      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +7.675910E-001 seconds
 18  ( DSN="LOOPBACK" )
 19  ( UID="clitest1" )
 20  ( PWD="*******" )
 21  SQLAllocHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hInput=0:1, 
           phOutput=&2ff7f378 )
 22      ---> Time elapsed - +1.459900E-002 seconds
 23  SQLAllocHandle( phOutput=1:1 )
 24      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +7.008300E-002 seconds
 25  SQLExecDirect( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="create table test(id integer, 
           name char(20), created date)", cbSqlStr=-3 )
 26      ---> Time elapsed - +1.576899E-002 seconds
 27  SQLExecDirect( )
 28      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +1.017835E+000 seconds
 29  SQLPrepare( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="insert into test 
           values (?, ?, current date)", cbSqlStr=-3 )
 30      ---> Time elapsed - +5.008000E-003 seconds
 31  SQLPrepare( )
 32      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +7.896000E-003 seconds
 33  SQLBindParameter( hStmt=1:1, iPar=1, fParamType=SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
           fCType=SQL_C_LONG, fSQLType=SQL_INTEGER, cbColDef=4, ibScale=0,
           rgbValue=&20714d88, cbValueMax=4, pcbValue=&20714d54 )
 34      ---> Time elapsed - +2.870000E-003 seconds
 35  SQLBindParameter( )
 36      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +3.803000E-003 seconds
 37  SQLBindParameter( hStmt=1:1, iPar=2, fParamType=SQL_PARAM_INPUT, 
           fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, fSQLType=SQL_CHAR, cbColDef=20, ibScale=0,
           rgbValue=&20714dd8, cbValueMax=21, pcbValue=&20714da4 )
 38      ---> Time elapsed - +2.649000E-003 seconds
 39  SQLBindParameter( )
 40      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +3.882000E-003 seconds
 41  SQLExecute( hStmt=1:1 )
 42      ---> Time elapsed - +3.681000E-003 seconds
 43  ( iPar=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4, piIndicatorPtr=4 )
 44  ( iPar=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3", pcbValue=2, piIndicatorPtr=2 )
 45  SQLExecute( )
 46      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +4.273490E-001 seconds
 47  SQLExecute( hStmt=1:1 )
 48      ---> Time elapsed - +5.483000E-003 seconds
 49  ( iPar=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4, piIndicatorPtr=4 )
 50  ( iPar=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3", pcbValue=2, piIndicatorPtr=2 )
 51  SQLExecute( )
 52      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +1.299300E-002 seconds
 53  SQLExecute( hStmt=1:1 )
 54      ---> Time elapsed - +3.702000E-003 seconds
 55  ( iPar=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4, piIndicatorPtr=4 )
 56  ( iPar=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3", pcbValue=2, piIndicatorPtr=2 )
 57  SQLExecute( )
 58      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +1.265700E-002 seconds
 59  SQLExecDirect( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="select * from test", cbSqlStr=-3 )
 60      ---> Time elapsed - +2.983000E-003 seconds
 61  SQLExecDirect( )
 62      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +2.469180E-001 seconds
 63  SQLBindCol( hStmt=1:1, iCol=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=&20714e38,
           cbValueMax=4, pcbValue=&20714e04 )
 64      ---> Time elapsed - +5.069000E-003 seconds
 65  SQLBindCol( )
 66      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +2.660000E-003 seconds
 67  SQLBindCol( hStmt=1:1, iCol=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue=&20714e88,
           cbValueMax=21, pcbValue=&20714e54 )
 68      ---> Time elapsed - +2.492000E-003 seconds
 69  SQLBindCol( )
 70      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +2.795000E-003 seconds
 71  SQLBindCol( hStmt=1:1, iCol=3, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue=&20714ee8, 
           cbValueMax=21, pcbValue=&20714eb4 )
 72      ---> Time elapsed - +2.490000E-003 seconds
 73  SQLBindCol( )
 74      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +2.749000E-003 seconds
 75  SQLFetch( hStmt=1:1 )
 76      ---> Time elapsed - +2.660000E-003 seconds
 77  SQLFetch( )
 78      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +9.200000E-003 seconds
 79  ( iCol=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4 )
 80  ( iCol=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3                  ", 
         pcbValue=20 )
 81  ( iCol=3, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="1997-05-23", pcbValue=10 )
 82  SQLFetch( hStmt=1:1 )
 83      ---> Time elapsed - +4.942000E-003 seconds
 84  SQLFetch( )
 85      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +7.860000E-003 seconds
 86  ( iCol=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4 )
 87  ( iCol=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3                  ", 
         pcbValue=20 )
 88  ( iCol=3, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="1997-05-23", pcbValue=10 )
 89  SQLFetch( hStmt=1:1 )
 90      ---> Time elapsed - +4.872000E-003 seconds
 91  SQLFetch( )
 92      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +7.669000E-003 seconds
 93  ( iCol=1, fCType=SQL_C_LONG, rgbValue=10, pcbValue=4 )
 94  ( iCol=2, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="-3                  ", 
         pcbValue=20 )
 95  ( iCol=3, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="1997-05-23", pcbValue=10 )
 96  SQLFetch( hStmt=1:1 )
 97      ---> Time elapsed - +5.103000E-003 seconds
 98  SQLFetch( )
 99      <--- SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND   Time elapsed - +6.044000E-003 seconds
100  SQLCloseCursor( hStmt=1:1 )
101      ---> Time elapsed - +2.682000E-003 seconds
102  SQLCloseCursor( )
103      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +6.794000E-003 seconds
104  SQLExecDirect( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="select * foo bad sql", cbSqlStr=-3 )
105      ---> Time elapsed - +2.967000E-003 seconds
106  SQLExecDirect( )
107      <--- SQL_ERROR   Time elapsed - +1.103700E-001 seconds
108  SQLError( hEnv=0:0, hDbc=0:0, hStmt=1:1, pszSqlState=&2ff6f19c, 
           pfNativeError=&2ff6ed00, pszErrorMsg=&2ff6ed9c, cbErrorMsgMax=1024, 
           pcbErrorMsg=&2ff6ed0a )
109      ---> Time elapsed - +2.267000E-003 seconds
110  SQLError( pszSqlState="42601", pfNativeError=-104, 
           pszErrorMsg="[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0104N  An unexpected 
           token "foo bad sql" was found following "select * ".  
           Expected tokens may include:  "<space>".  SQLSTATE=42601
111  ", pcbErrorMsg=163 )
112      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +5.299000E-003 seconds
113  SQLError( hEnv=0:0, hDbc=0:0, hStmt=1:1, pszSqlState=&2ff6f19c,
           pfNativeError=&2ff6ed00, pszErrorMsg=&2ff6ed9c, cbErrorMsgMax=1024,
           pcbErrorMsg=&2ff6ed0a )
114      ---> Time elapsed - +2.753000E-003 seconds
115  SQLError( )
116      <--- SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND   Time elapsed - +2.502000E-003 seconds
117  SQLExecDirect( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="select * foo bad sql", cbSqlStr=-3 )
118      ---> Time elapsed - +3.292000E-003 seconds
119  SQLExecDirect( )
120      <--- SQL_ERROR   Time elapsed - +6.012500E-002 seconds
121  SQLFreeHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hHandle=1:1 )
122      ---> Time elapsed - +2.867000E-003 seconds
123  ( Unretrieved error message="SQL0104N  An unexpected token "foo bad sql" 
           was found following "select * ".  Expected tokens may 
           include:  "<space>".  SQLSTATE=42601
124  " )
125  SQLFreeHandle( )
126      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +4.936600E-002 seconds
127  SQLEndTran( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hHandle=0:1, fType=SQL_ROLLBACK )
128      ---> Time elapsed - +2.968000E-003 seconds
129  SQLEndTran( )
130      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +1.643370E-001 seconds
131  SQLDisconnect( hDbc=0:1 )
132      ---> Time elapsed - +2.559000E-003 seconds
133  SQLDisconnect( )
134      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +8.253310E-001 seconds
135  SQLFreeHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hHandle=0:1 )
136      ---> Time elapsed - +4.247000E-003 seconds
137  SQLFreeHandle( )
138      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +4.742000E-003 seconds
139  SQLFreeHandle( fHandleType=SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hHandle=0:1 )
140      ---> Time elapsed - +2.023000E-003 seconds
141  SQLFreeHandle( )
142      <--- SQL_SUCCESS   Time elapsed - +4.420000E-003 seconds

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