IBM Books

Administering Satellites Guide and Reference

Setting up Data Replication

You set up replication for the satellite environment much like you set up replication for any other environment. Perform the following tasks to set up replication for the satellite environment:

  1. Create the replication environment.

    You set up a separate replication environment, which is independent of the satellite environment. You set up the replication control tables, replication source or sources, and the replication subscriptions in a test environment. After testing the replication definitions, you may want to promote these definitions to a production environment. For more information, see Creating the Replication Environment.

  2. Set up the satellite environment.

    Setting up the satellite environment entails setting up the DB2 control server, creating a group, satellites for the group, an application version, group batches, scripts, targets, success code sets, and authentications. See Chapter 5, Setting up and Testing Your Satellite Environment for the details on how to set up the satellite environment. To enable the group satellites to replicate data, you must perform one additional task, which is to generalize the replication subscriptions from the replication environment to the satellite environment. When you generalize the replication subscription, the generalize function creates batch steps which, when executed by the satellite, will define the replication subscription for that satellite for its application version. Enabling the Satellite Environment for Replication describes how to set up the satellite environment for replication.

Creating the Replication Environment

When you create the replication environment, you set up the replication control server, and define the replication sources and subscription sets in a replication test environment. When the replication test environment is fully tested and performs to your satisfaction, you can promote this test environment to a production environment.

  1. Create your replication test environment.

    Create the replication control tables, define the replication sources, subscription sets and replication subscriptions using the Control Center or the DB2 DataJoiner Replication Administration (DJRA) tool.

    You can install the DJRA tool on the same machine as the Control Center by going to the \sqllib\djra directory on the Control Center instance. Run the djra executable in this directory to start the DJRA installation program. Refer to the online help provided with the DJRA installation program for more information.

    For information about creating the replication definitions, and about starting the DJRA tool, refer to the Replication Guide and Reference. For information about how to use the DJRA tool, refer to the online help that is provided with it. Consider the following when you decide on where to locate the replication databases:

  2. Promote the replication sources and subscriptions from the test environment to the production environment.

    You can use the DJRA promote functions to reverse engineer the setup of the test replication environment to move it to production databases. You must perform this step to move the replication source or sources from a test database to the production database from which the production satellites will access data.
    Note:You can only use the DJRA tools to promote between the same type of database. That is, if you use DB2 Universal Database databases in the test replication environment, you must use DB2 Universal Database databases in the production replication environment.

    The steps that follow provide an overview of how to promote the test replication environment to production. For detailed information, refer to the online help that is available from the DJRA tool.

    1. Use the DJRA promote table function to move the replication source table definitions from the test database to the production database. Edit the generated script to connect to the production database. The satellites will replicate data from this database.
    2. Move the table source registration. Use the DJRA promote registrations function to perform this task, then edit the generated script to connect to the production database.
    3. Use DJRA to promote the subscription. Specify the name of the production system that you will use as the replication source. You can also specify a new replication control server and target server.

      The target database must be a DB2 Universal Database database. Only consider using a production database on the same system as the DB2 control server if the DB2 control server serves a small number of satellites. Otherwise, use a different system. You will generalize the replication subscriptions for the satellite environment from this database.

      The replication control server can be any non-satellite database. You would typically use the target production server.


  1. The online help for the Satellite Administration Center contains information about the Promote Source and the Promote Replication Subscription windows. These windows are not available with the Control Center for Version 6.1. For the interim, to promote replication sources and subscriptions, use the promote functions that are supplied with the DB2 DataJoiner Replication Administration (DJRA) tool.

  2. The replication test and production environments are not associated with the satellite environment. For replication to work in the satellite environment, the subscription sets of either the replication test environment or the replication production environment must be generalized for the satellite environment. For more information, see Enabling the Satellite Environment for Replication.

Enabling the Satellite Environment for Replication

After you create the replication environment, you must set up the satellite environment, and generalize the subscription sets for it. As a basic requirement, you must have already created a group, and an application version for it. For information on creating a group, see Creating a Group. For information on creating an application version, see Creating an Application Version.

In addition, you must ensure that you have cataloged the production replication control server, and all production replication sources and targets at the DB2 control server instance. If the Control Center's JDBC server and the DB2 control server are on the same instance, see Cataloging Instances and Databases in the Control Center Instance for the procedure. If this condition is not true, you must still catalog the same objects at the Control Center, then use the Client Configuration Assistant to export the production replication control server database, and the production replication source and target databases, and import the resulting file at the DB2 control server instance using the db2cfimp command. The procedure to follow is similar to that described in Using a Client Profile to Perform Cataloging on the Model Office, except that you only select the replication-related databases on the Customize Export window.
Note:Typically, you will not create the replication control tables on a satellite. Instead, you will use a DB2 server that is not a satellite as the replication control server. One situation exists, however, in which you may want to consider using the satellite as the replication control server. This situation occurs when you have a very small group of satellites functioning as target servers, and one source server. Placing the replication control tables on the satellite can result in better performance by the Apply program. If you decide to use the satellite as the replication control server, however, you do not have the centralized reporting of replication information that occurs if you use a central replication control server. In addition, if a replication-related error occurs on any of the satellites of this group, you will have to perform maintenance on that satellite manually.

You can now create a generalized replication subscription to be used in the satellite environment.

Generalizing Replication Subscriptions

You generalize replication subscriptions to create the replication setup for the satellite environment. When you generalize, you reverse engineer the subscription definitions for the single production replication target that you defined, which creates parameterized scripts that will be used to define all of the satellites as replication targets.

The DB2 control server stores these scripts in the satellite control database, and adds test batch steps to the setup and update group batches for the application version that you specify. The scripts of these test batch steps set up the tables that are required for replication on the satellites, and specify, by use of a WHERE clause, the rows that each satellite will replicate. In addition, the DB2 control server also adds a batch step to the update batch to invoke the Capture and Apply programs through the asnsat command.

To generalize replication subscriptions, use the Generalize Replication Subscriptions window. For more information about this window, refer to the online help that is available from the Satellite Administration Center. In this window, you must specify the replication control server that contains the production subscription information for the subscription that you want to generalize, as well as the application version that corresponds to the end-user application that will be using the replicated data.

When you generalize the subscription, the replication definitions, by default, apply to all the satellites of the group. If you want, you can modify the definitions for the entire group, or you can modify the definitions for a subset of the group satellites. For more information, see Changing Replication Parameters.

If you generalize the replication subscription before creating level 0 for an application version, the DB2 control server automatically creates level 0. The DB2 control server also creates a setup batch called setup and an update batch called update for level 0. The batches are created with the test batch steps that are required for data replication.

Editing the Setup Batch

In some situations, you may need to edit the setup batch. For example:

Creating Control Tables for the Capture Program

If the subscription that you generalize is for a replica table, the control tables that are required for the Capture program must exist on the satellite before replication can occur. You can create these tables by executing the dpcntl.sat SQL script file on the satellite. The script contains a series of CREATE TABLE statements that must be executed on the satellite.

During installation, this command file is automatically executed if you create a database and specify that the database will be used as a replication source. If this is not the situation, you must execute the command file to create the control tables.

You can find the dpcntl.sat script in the sqllib\samples\repl directory on the satellite.

You can also invoke the dpcntl.sat script from a batch step in the setup batch. Ensure that you specify that the execution target is the operating system on the satellite. The batch step that executes the dpcntl.sat script must immediately precede the batch steps that configure replication. The dpcntl.sat script also sets the default values in the tuning parameters table. To invoke the script from a batch step, use the following script for the batch step:

  db2 connect to server-name USER authorization-name USING password 
  -tvf x:\sqllib\samples\repl\dpcntl.sat
  db2 connect reset 

Where x is the drive on which you installed DB2 Satellite Edition.

Changing Replication Parameters

In some situations, you may need to customize the generalized replication subscription. For example, you may want to modify the WHERE clause for one or more group satellites to have them replicate different data than other satellites in the same group. You may also want to change the replication control server for one or more of the group satellites to more evenly distribute the work load on the replication control servers.

To work with the generalized replication subscription, use the Change Replication Parameters notebook. From this notebook, you can specify the satellites for which you want to change the replication parameters. You can also use this notebook to select the WHERE clause for a specific source-target table pair, then modify the clause using the Change Subscription Definition window. You can also use the Change Replication Parameters notebook to change the replication control server for one or more group satellites. For more information about working with replication parameters, refer to the online help that is available from the Satellite Administration Center.

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