IBM Books

Administering Satellites Guide and Reference

Chapter 5. Setting up and Testing Your Satellite Environment

Partial Table-of-Contents

  • Preparing for a Synchronization Test
  • Setting up the DB2 Control Server
  • Installing the DB2 Control Server
  • Creating the User ID for Satellite Synchronization
  • Granting Access to the Satellite Control Database
  • Creating a Group
  • Creating Test Satellites
  • Installing and Preparing a Satellite for Synchronization
  • Setting up the Satellite Authentication File
  • Setting the Application Version
  • Setting the DB2SATELLITEID Registry Variable
  • Installing the Satellite
  • Verifying the Setup
  • Running a Test Synchronization
  • Creating and Testing Group Batches
  • Creating Authentication Credentials
  • Creating Execution Targets
  • Creating an Application Version
  • Creating Level 0 of the Application Version
  • Editing Level 0 to Create or Modify Group Batches
  • Changing Batch Steps
  • Testing Group Batches
  • Enabling the Test Satellites to Execute the Test-Level Batches
  • Synchronizing Test Satellites to Execute the Test-Level Batches
  • Checking the Results of the Synchronization Session
  • Promoting a Group Batch to Production
  • Performing a Deployment
  • Setting the Execution Starting Point for a Satellite
  • To set up and test the satellite environment, you perform a variety of different tasks. Some of these tasks you do at the DB2 control server, while others occur at the satellite. In the overview described here, the procedure is to:

    1. Prepare for a test synchronization:
      1. Set up the DB2 control server.
      2. Set up a test satellite.
      3. Run the test synchronization.
    2. Setup and test the group batches:
      1. Create an application version.
      2. Create a level.
      3. Create the batches.
      4. Have the test satellites synchronize to test the group batches.
      5. Promote the group batches to production.

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