IBM Books

Administering Satellites Guide and Reference

Cataloging Instances and Databases in the Control Center Instance

The Control Center and the Satellite Administration Center require access to the instance of the DB2 control server, and the satellite control database. You can run the Control Center on the same system as the DB2 control server and the satellite control database. If you do, the DB2 control server is automatically installed when you install it. The satellite control database is automatically cataloged when you create it.
Note:The Control Center instance, here, and in the sections that follow, refers to the instance where the DB2 JDBC server is running. The Control Center uses the DB2 JDBC server instance.

If the Control Center is running on a system that is not the system where the DB2 control server is running, you must catalog the DB2 control server and the satellite control database in the Control Center instance. You can use the Control Center to perform this task. See Cataloging Systems, Instances, and Databases on the Control Center for an overview of how to catalog.

When you have cataloged the DB2 control server and the satellite control database, you can use the Satellite Administration Center to create groups and satellites, and to define batches to be executed by the satellites.

A batch step executes against an execution target, which can be a DB2 instance, a DB2 database, or the operating system on the satellite. You must create a named target for every DB2 instance or DB2 database against which a batch step will execute. You do not need to create a named target for the batch steps that execute against an operating system.

Before you can create a named target for a DB2 instance or DB2 database using the Satellite Administration Center, you must first catalog the following targets in the node and database directories of the Control Center instance.

You can use the Control Center to perform the cataloging.

If you want your help desk to use the Control Center and the Satellite Administration Center to perform problem determination and diagnosis on satellites, you should catalog the following in the Control Center instance that the help desk will use:

Cataloging Systems, Instances, and Databases on the Control Center

Use the Control Center to catalog the required systems, instances and databases. First, you catalog the DB2 control server and the satellite control database. You then catalog the model office. The sections that follow describe how to use the Control Center to perform these tasks.
Note:When you catalog systems and instances, you must specify TCP/IP as the protocol to use for communications. When you export the connection information from the Control Center, then import this information to the model office, all of its system and instance node directory entries will specify TCP/IP, which is the only protocol supported by DB2 Satellite Edition.

Cataloging the DB2 Control Server and the Satellite Control Database

To catalog the DB2 control server and the satellite control database in the Control Center object tree perform the following steps.
Note:Examine the object tree of the Control Center under the system where the DB2 control server is running. If the DB2CTLSV instance and the SATCTLDB database already appear, you do not have to perform these steps. This situation occurs when the Control Center's JDBC server is using the DB2 control server instance.

  1. Open the Control Center.
  2. Add the system where the DB2 control server is running:
    1. Right click on the Systems folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.

      The Add System window opens.

    2. You can use one of two methods to add the system:
      • You can click Refresh to add the system that contains the DB2 control server. Ensure that you set the protocol to TCP/IP. For more information about DB2 discovery, refer to the Administration Guide.
      • You can enter the required information:
        1. Type the name of the system into the System name field.
        2. Type the name of the instance in the Remote instance field.

          On Windows NT, the name is DB2DAS00.

        3. Select the correct value for the Operating system field.
        4. For the Protocol field, select TCP/IP.
        5. Type the TCP/IP host name for the system on which the DB2 control server resides in the Host name field.
        6. Use the Service name default of 523.
        7. Optionally, add a comment to the Comment field.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Add the DB2 control server instance:
    1. Expand the tree under the newly added system by clicking on the + beside it.
    2. Right click on the Instances folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.
    3. Complete the Add Instance panel. You can use one of two methods to add the instance:
      • You can use DB2 discovery to retrieve the required information. This method is recommended.

        Click Refresh to retrieve a list of instances. Select the DB2 control server instance. On Windows NT, the name of the instance is DB2CTLSV. Ensure that the protocol is set to TCP/IP.

      • You can enter the required information:
        1. In the Remote instance field, type the name of the remote instance.
        2. In the Instance name field, type a unique instance name.
        3. For the Protocol field, select TCP/IP.
        4. Type the TCP/IP host name for the system on which the DB2 control server resides in the Host name field.
        5. Type the port number of the DB2 control server instance in the Service name field.

          On Windows NT, if you did not create the DB2 instance when you installed the DB2 control server, the port number is 50000 (unless you changed the default value during the installation). If you created the DB2 instance, the value is likely 50002.

    4. Click OK.
  4. Add the satellite control database, SATCTLDB:
    1. Expand the tree under the DB2CTLSV instance by clicking on the + beside it.
    2. Right click on the Databases folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.
    3. Complete the Add Database panel. You can use one of two methods to add a database:
      • Click Refresh to retrieve a list of databases. Then select the SATCTLDB database.
      • Type SATCTLDB in the Database name field.
    4. Click OK.

The Control Center can also be used to catalog replication sources and targets, and the database that will act as the replication control server by following the steps outlined above. If these data replication objects reside on a system that does not support DB2 discovery, you cannot use the Refresh button to discover the object. In this situation, you must enter all the data manually.

Cataloging the Model Office

To catalog a model office and its instances and databases in the Control Center, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Control Center.
  2. Add the system on which the model office runs:
    1. Right click on the Systems folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.
    2. Complete the Add System panel.
      Note:You cannot use the Refresh and Retrieve buttons to add a satellite to the Control Center. DB2 discovery is not supported on DB2 Satellite Edition.
      1. Type the name of the system on which the model office runs in the System name field.
      2. For the Remote instance field, type the name of the remote instance. In most situations, the name is DB2.
      3. Select the value of Windows NT for the Operating system field, even if Windows 95 or Windows 98 is running on the system.
      4. Select TCP/IP for the Protocol field.
      5. For the Host name field, type the host name for the system.
      6. Use the Service name default of 523.
      7. Optionally, add a comment to the Comment field.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Next add the DB2 instance.
    1. Expand the object tree under the newly added system by clicking on the + beside it. You will receive the following message:
        The DB2 Administration server is not active

      Ignore this message. No DB2 Administration Server exists on a DB2 Satellite Edition system.

    2. Right click on the Instances folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.
    3. Complete the Add Instance window.
      Note:You cannot use the Refresh button to retrieve a list of instances. DB2 discovery is not supported on DB2 Satellite Edition.
      1. In the Remote instance field, type the name of the remote instance. In most situations, the name is DB2.
      2. In the Instance name field, type a unique name.
        Note:The name you type must be cataloged on the model office as an alias for the local instance name. Most likely, the name of the local instance is DB2.
      3. Select TCP/IP for the Protocol field.
      4. Type the TCP/IP host name for the model office in the Host name field.
      5. Type the port number for the instance in the Service name field. Unless you changed the default value when you installed DB2 on the model office, the value is 50000.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Add the databases on the model office:
    1. Expand the object tree under the newly added instance by clicking on the + beside it.
    2. Right click on the Databases folder and select Add from the pop-up menu.
    3. Complete the Add Database panel.
      Note:You cannot use the Refresh button to retrieve a list of databases. DB2 discovery is not supported on DB2 Satellite Edition.
      1. For the Database name field, type the name of the database.
      2. Optionally, type an alias for the database in the Alias field.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Repeat the procedure to add the other databases on the model office.

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