IBM Books

Administration Guide

Running DB2 UDB for Windows NT with ServerNet Interconnect

To find out about ServerNet products, or to contact ServerNet Service and Support, please use the following URL:

Setup Procedure for ServerNet Interconnect

The list of the hardware and software required to setup this environment include the following products:

The following are the steps required to ensure that ServerNet Interconnect can work with DB2 UDB. Each step is a summary of what is required at each step: all of the details associated with each step are not presented here. You should also use the referenced documentation at each step which does provide detailed instructions and direction needed.

The steps shown below also assume that you are only using up to six (6) nodes in the cluster. Contact ServerNet if you have a requirement to use more than six nodes.

Here are the steps:

  1. Install the ServerNet Network Interface Card. Please refer to the ServerNet-I Virtual Interface Software Release Document, (product ID N0031) for installation instructions.

  2. Install the ServerNet Switch 1. Please refer to the ServerNet-I Virtual Interface Software Release Document, (product ID N0031) for installation instructions.

  3. Uninstall previous ServerNet drivers. (Skip this step if this is your first time installing ServerNet.)

    1. Open the Network control panel. (Start>Setting>Control Panel>Network)

    2. Click on the Adapters Tab.

    3. Remove Tandem ServerNet PCI Adapter Driver.

    4. Click on the Services Tab.

    5. Remove SANMan.

    6. Click on the Protocols Tab.

    7. Remove Tandem ServerNet-I VI Protocol.

  4. Install the Tandem ServerNet PCI Adapter Driver. Here are additional details if you are installing using the software CD provided by ServerNet:

    1. Open the Network control panel. (Start>Setting>Control Panel>Network)

    2. Click on the Adapters Tab. (The Adapters screen appears.)

    3. Ensure the new ServerNet driver is placed in a separate drive and/or directory. Then, from the command prompt referencing the correct drive and/or directory, type "ernnn.exe -d" to start the self-extracting program. ("ernnn.exe" is the name of the Engineering Release followed by a number -- ERnnn.EXE -- that identifies the specific version of the ServerNet driver to be installed.)

    4. Change to the drive and/or directory where the extracted files are located. Change to the "Spad n.n.n \ Free" sub-directory (where "n.n.n" is the specific version of the product). (If you are working in a troubleshooting or a development environment, then change to the "Spad n.n.n \ Checked" sub-directory instead of the "Spad n.n.n \ Free" sub-directory.)

    5. Rename the "oemsetup.multi_node" file to "oemsetup.inf".

    6. Choose Add in the Adapters Tab. (The Select Adapters screen appears.)

    7. Click Have Disk.... (The Insert Disk screen appears.)

    8. Enter the drive and/or directory where the oemsetup.inf file is located.

    9. Ensure the dialog box shows "Tandem ServerNet PCI Adapter Driver" and then click OK. Ensure the list of adapters now shows the ServerNet adapter. Click Close.

    10. Choose Yes to restart the computer. Or, select No and continue installing SANMan and the VI Software Developer's Kit (SDK).

  5. Install SANMan. Here are additional details if you are installing using the software CD provided by ServerNet:

    1. Open the Network control panel. (Start>Setting>Control Panel>Network)

    2. Click on the Services Tab. (The Services screen appears.)

    3. Ensure the new ServerNet driver is placed in a separate drive and/or directory. Then, from the command prompt referencing the correct drive and/or directory, type "ernnn.exe -d" to start the self-extracting program. ("ernnn.exe" is the name of the Engineering Release followed by a number -- ERnnn.EXE -- that identifies the specific version of the ServerNet driver to be installed.)

    4. Choose Add in the Services Tab. (The Select Services screen appears.)

    5. Change to the drive and/or directory where the extracted files are located. Change to the "SANMan n.n.n \Free" sub-directory (where "n.n.n" is the specific version of the product). (If you are working in a troubleshooting or a development environment, then change to the "SANMan n.n.n \ Checked" sub-directory instead of the "SANMan n.n.n \ Free" sub-directory.)

    6. Determine if the Switch is X or Y by looking at the light on the Switch. One light says "X", and the one light says "Y".

    7. If an X Switch, select X=1 and Y=0. Ensure all cables are connected to the X port on the network cards.

    8. If a Y Switch, select X=0 and Y=1. Ensure all cables are connected to the Y port on the network cards.

    9. Provide the port number of the switch to which the network card on the current machine is connected.

    10. Select "PC" for all six (6) ports.

  6. Install the Virtual Interface Protocol. Here are additional details if you are installing using the software CD provided by ServerNet:

    1. Open the Network control panel. (Start>Setting>Control Panel>Network)

    2. Click on the Protocols Tab. (The Network Protocols screen appears.)

    3. Ensure the new ServerNet driver is placed in a separate drive and/or directory. Then, from the command prompt referencing the correct drive and/or directory, type "ernnn.exe -d" to start the self-extracting program. ("ernnn.exe" is the name of the Engineering Release followed by a number -- ERnnn.EXE -- that identifies the specific version of the ServerNet driver to be installed.)

    4. Choose Add in the Protocols Tab. (The Select Network Protocols screen appears.)

    5. Click Have Disk.... (The Insert Disk screen appears.)

    6. Enter the drive and/or directory where the extracted files are located.

  7. Test that the ServerNet Hardware is working. There are no test programs available. Instead, simply use DB2 to test the ServerNet hardware.

    If the hardware does not appear to be working, refer to the ServerNet-I Virtual Interface Software Release Document, (product ID N0031) for additional troubleshooting help.

See Install DB2 Universal Database Version 5.2 or Later (EEE) for information on how to install and implement DB2 UDB to work with ServerNet Interconnect.

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