Detailed installation information is found in DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings.
You will require the first (1st) DB2 UDB Version 5.2 (EEE) FixPak to be able to use DB2 UDB Version 5.2 with a VI product. Later versions of DB2 UDB will not require this FixPak. If you are not sure of the level of the DB2 UDB product you have already installed, you should use the db2level command and record the information returned. If you contact DB2 Service and Support about VI, this information will be helpful to determine your installed DB2 level of code including any FixPaks.
This product must be installed in each of the partitions/nodes using the Virtual Interface Protocol. During the installation procedure, when prompted choose "This machine will be an instance owning node" on each of the partitions/nodes.
Update the hosts file with the IP address and host name for each of the partitions/nodes. The hosts file is found under "\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\" directory on the drive where the operating system was installed. The hosts file must be updated on each of the nodes.
Create the partitioned database (MPP) instance using the instance create utility. Choose one machine to act as the coordinator node. On this machine, open a DB2 Command Window and enter:
db2icrt <instance_name> /mpp /u:<username>,<password>
This machine is then known as the coordinator node or the instance-owning machine. Node 0 is automatically created on this machine.
On the other partitions/nodes in the database, open a DB2 Command Window and enter:
db2ncrt /n:<node_number> /u:<username>,<password> /i:<instance_name> /o:<instance_owner_name>
The node_number is used to uniquely identify the database partition server within the database environment. The number must be from 1 to 999. The instance_owner_name is the computer name of the instance-owning machine (coordinator node).
Testing the installation and create an index:
When problems occur in this environment, you can take action based on the type of problem as presented below:
Ensure c:\profiles is present and is present with each of the share name "profiles". Ensure all partitions are "pingable" from the coordinator node.
Review the explanation for the returned error code by using the db2 ? sqlxxxx command. There will be a suggested action associated with this error which you should follow.
A system error may be returned. If this is the case, use a db2stop and retry the db2start. If the problem persists, attempt to reboot on all partitions and then retry.
Ensure all partitions have the same date, time, and time zone. The time does not need to be identical: within one hour is sufficient.
Ensure all the partitions are in one domain and that the user name and password used belongs to the following groups:
Review the contents of the Control panel-->Services to ensure that all the DB2:<instance_name> -X services have the correct DB2ADMIN account information.
Ensure you are running the command in a "DB2 command window". The title of this window is "DB2 CLP".
Run db2set -g DB2TEMPDIR=C:\TMP on all machines in the instance. Ensure the DB2 Remote Command Service is started and with the correct DB2ADMIN account information. Finally, ensure c:\temp and c:\tmp are present.
On each database partition server in the instance, set the following DB2 registry variables and carry out the following tasks: