IBM Books

DB2 Connect User's Guide

Table of Contents

About This Book

  • How This Book is Structured
  • Other Information Sources
  • Using the World Wide Web
  • Related DRDA Publications
  • Related DRDA Server Publications
  • Other Related Publications
  • DB2 Connect Overview

  • The Database Concept
  • Setting up DB2 Connect
  • DB2 Connect and SQL
  • Administration Utilities
  • Functions Delivered in Previous Releases
  • DB2 Connect Version 5 Release 2
  • DB2 Connect Version 5.0
  • DDCS Version 2 Release 4
  • DDCS Version 2 Release 3
  • Distributed Relational Database Architecture Concepts

  • DRDA and DB2 Connect
  • Remote Unit of Work
  • Multisite Updates (Two-Phase Commit)
  • DRDA and Data Access
  • Updating Database Directories

  • Collecting Information
  • Node Directory
  • DCS Directory
  • System Database Directory
  • Defining Multiple Entries for the Same Database
  • Updating the Directories
  • Binding Applications and Utilities

  • The BIND Command
  • Rebinding
  • DB2 Connect Administration Utilities

  • Command Line Processor
  • Using Import and Export Utilities
  • Moving Data from a Workstation to a Host or AS/400 Database Server
  • Moving Data from a host or AS/400 database server to a Workstation
  • Mixed Single-Byte and Double-Byte Data
  • Replacement for SQLQMF Utility
  • Trace Utility (ddcstrc)
  • Trace Syntax
  • Trace Parameters
  • Trace Output
  • Analyzing the Trace Output File
  • Database System Monitor for DB2 Connect

  • Monitoring Connections for Remote Clients
  • Turning on Monitor Switches for DB2 Connect
  • Listing the Status of Monitor Switches
  • Listing DCS Application Status
  • Using the DB2 Control Center to List Extended DCS Applications Information
  • Using the Windows NT Performance Monitor
  • Security

  • Authentication
  • Security Types
  • Security Types for APPC Connections
  • Security Types for TCP/IP Connections
  • Discussion of Security Types
  • Additional Hints and Tips About Security
  • Extended Security Codes
  • TCP/IP Security Already Verified
  • Desktop ODBC and Java Application Security
  • Password Change Support
  • Programming in a DB2 Connect Environment

  • Programming in a Distributed Environment
  • Using Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Using Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Using Data Control Language (DCL)
  • Connecting and Disconnecting
  • Precompiling
  • Defining a Sort Order
  • Managing Referential Integrity
  • Locking
  • Differences in SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs
  • Using System Catalogs
  • Numeric Conversion Overflows on Retrieval Assignments
  • Isolation Levels
  • Stored Procedures
  • NOT ATOMIC Compound SQL
  • Multisite Update with DB2 Connect
  • Host or AS/400 Server SQL Statements Supported by DB2 Connect
  • Host or AS/400 Server SQL Statements Rejected by DB2 Connect
  • Implementing Chargeback Accounting
  • Useful Publications
  • SQLCODE Mapping

  • Turning Off SQLCODE Mapping
  • Tailoring the SQLCODE Mapping
  • Problem Determination

  • Other Information Sources
  • Using the Troubleshooting Guide
  • Using the World Wide Web
  • APPC, CPI-C, and SNA Sense Codes Documentation
  • Gathering Relevant Information
  • Initial Connection is Not Successful
  • Problems Encountered after an Initial Connection
  • Diagnostic Tools
  • Most Common DB2 Connect Problems
  • SQL0965 or SQL0969
  • SQL1338 During CONNECT
  • SQL1403N During CONNECT
  • SQL5043N
  • SQL30020
  • SQL30060
  • SQL30061
  • SQL30073 with Return Code 119C During CONNECT
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 1
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 2
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 9
  • SQL30081N with Return code 10
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 20
  • SQL30081N with Return code 27
  • SQL30081N with Return Code 79
  • SQL30081N with Protocol Specific Error Code 10032
  • DB2 Connect Performance

  • Other Information Sources
  • Other Publications
  • Using the World Wide Web
  • Additional Hints and Tips for SNA Users
  • Performance Concepts and Tools
  • Data Flows
  • Bottlenecks
  • Benchmarking
  • Performance Tools
  • Application Design
  • Compound SQL and Stored Procedures
  • Grouping Requests
  • Predicate Logic
  • Data Blocking
  • Static and Dynamic SQL
  • Other SQL Considerations
  • DB2 Connect Tuning
  • Other DB2 Connect Parameters
  • Database Tuning
  • Tuning DB2 for OS/390
  • Data Conversion
  • Data Types for Character Data
  • Network Tuning
  • Network Hardware
  • Contention for System Resources
  • Performance Troubleshooting
  • Appendix A. Sending Accounting Information to a DB2 for OS/390 Server

  • Setting the Accounting String
  • Appendix B. Changing Your MVS Password

  • Configuring the Host for Password Expiration Management
  • Configuring the DB2 Connect Workstation for Password Expiration Management
  • Step 1. Define Symbolic Destination Name
  • Step 2. Record Symbolic Destination Name in the DCS Directory
  • Appendix C. Directory Customization Worksheet

    Appendix D. National Language Support Considerations

  • Conversion of Character Data
  • Appendix E. Using DCE Directory Services

  • Creating a Database Object
  • Creating a Database Locator Object
  • Creating a Routing Information Object
  • Setting Configuration Parameters
  • Cataloging the Database
  • Security with DCE Directory Services
  • Appendix F. Binding Utilities for Back-Level Clients

    Appendix G. Tuning CLI/ODBC Application Performance with the CLISCHEMA Keyword

  • Target Environment
  • What CLI/ODBC Is
  • How CLI/ODBC Works
  • The DB2 CLISCHEMA Initalization Keyword
  • Usage Notes
  • db2cli and bldschem Utilities
  • Suggested Approach
  • Additional Hints and Tips
  • db2ocat Catalog Optimizer Tool
  • Additional Information Sources
  • Appendix H. Additional SNA Performance Tuning Hints and Tips

  • General Performance Information for DB2 Connect
  • Selection and Tuning of the Network Attachment
  • Other DB2 Connect Performance Information Sources
  • Multi Path Channel Support for SNA over ESCON
  • How to Tune DB2 Connect Connections via NCP
  • Tuning Criteria
  • Information about OSA-2 Enhancements
  • Appendix I. Contacting IBM

    Appendix J. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Index

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