Once the host password expiration management transaction program is configured you will need to configure your DB2 Connect workstation to communicate with the host program. This configuration involves two steps:
How you define symbolic destination name for the host password expiration management program depends on what SNA subsystem you are using:
When configuring symbolic destination name you will also need to specify x'06F3F0F1' (hexadecimal number) for the Transaction Program (TP) name and set security to "NONE". You can specify mode such as #INTER or any other mode that your MVS may suggest to you.
If you are running DB2 Connect on a platform that provides DB2 CCA then you should use DB2 CCA to update your DCS directory with the symbolic destination name for the host password expiration management program. You should be able to do this regardless of the SNA subsystem on your DB2 Connect workstation.
You can also use catalog dcs database command (from DB2 CLP) to record the symbolic destination name in the DCS directory. For example:
catalog dcs database db1 as dsn_db_1 parms ",,,,,,,CHGPWD_SDN=pempgm"
records "pempgm" as the symbolic destination name that is to be used when users request to change passwords for database "db1".