IBM Books

DB2 Connect User's Guide

Creating a Routing Information Object

This object is required to be defined in DCE and it is retrieved by the DB2 client.

Use the DCE command cdscp create object to create a routing information object. For example:

   cdscp create object object_global_name

Add a DB_Object_Type attribute of R.

For each database object, add one DB_Target_Database_Info attribute. Each DB_Target_Database_Info attribute consists of the following parameters:

The name of a database object, including the full path. Specify *OTHERDBS to indicate all other databases that are not specified explicitly.

Outbound protocol
The database protocol for host or AS/400 database server connections (DRDA)

Inbound protocol
The database protocol for remote client connections (DB2RA),

Authenticate at Gateway
0 (for No) or 1 (for Yes), as described in Security with DCE Directory Services.

Parameter String for Gateway
The string containing the parameters to be used in the gateway. Its content is gateway specific. For DB2 Connect gateway specific strings refer to DCS Directory.

Database Locator
The name of a database locator object representing the DB2 Connect workstation

For example, you could put the following lines into a file:

   create object /.../cdscell1/subsys/database/ROUTE1
   add    object /.../cdscell1/subsys/database/ROUTE1 DB_Object_Type=R
   add    object /.../cdscell1/subsys/database/ROUTE1 DB_Target_Database_Info=\
   add    object /.../cdscell1/subsys/database/ROUTE1 DB_Target_Database_Info=\

Then, enter the command:

   cdcsp < filename

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