IBM Books

APPC, CPI-C, and SNA Sense Codes

X'80' Path Error

This category indicates that the request could not be delivered to the intended receiver, because of a path outage, an invalid sequence of activation requests, or one of the listed path information unit (PIU) errors. Some PIU errors fall into other categories; for example, sequence number errors are sense code category X'20'. A path error received while the session is active generally indicates that the path to the session partner no longer exists.

80010000 Intermediate Node Failure

Explanation: There has been been a failure, such as a hardware failure or program check, in a node providing intermediate routing function. A response may or may not be possible.

80020000 Link Failure

Explanation: Data link failure. It is possible that the APPC subsystem is not active on the partner computer.

8003xxxx NAU Inoperative

Explanation: The network addressable unit (NAU) is unable to process requests or responses; for example, the NAU has been disrupted by an abnormal termination.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Hierarchical Reset. The identified LU-LU session is being deactivated; an ACTLU/ACTPU(Cold) or DACTLU/DACTPU was received, or the PU has failed.


Unrecoverable LU Failure. The identified LU-LU session had to be deactivated because of an abnormal termination of the PLU or SLU; recovery from the failure was not possible.


Recoverable LU Failure. The identified LU-LU session had to be deactivated because of an abnormal termination of one of the LUs of the session; recovery from the failure may be possible.

8004xxxx Unrecognized Destination

Explanation: A node in the path has no routing information for the destination specified either by the secondary logical unit (SLU) name in a BIND request or by the transmission header (TH).

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The partner LU name was not recognized. This can occur if you did not have the LU name specified in the BIND secondary logical unit (SLU) name field defined. For example, your program issues an Allocate call that uses a fully-qualified partner LU name, but includes the partner LU name only--without the NETID.
Note:When using the OS/2 Communications Manager, the NETID is also referred to as the "network name".


A request was received by a gateway function that could not be rerouted because of invalid or incomplete routing information.

8005xxxx No Session

Explanation: No half-session is active in the receiving APPN end node for the indicated origination-destination pair, or no boundary function session connector is active for the origin-destination pair in a node providing the boundary function. A session activation request is needed.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The receiver received a request other than a session control request when no LU-LU session was active.


The receiver received a request other than a session control request when no LU-SSCP session was active.


The receiver received a session control request other than BIND/UNBIND when no LU-LU session was active.


The receiver received an UNBIND when no LU-LU session was active.


The receiver received a session control request other than ACTLU/DACTLU for the LU-SSCP session when no LU-SSCP session was active.


The receiver received DACTLU when no LU-SSCP session was active.

8007xxxx Segmenting Error

Explanation: First BIU segment had less than 10 bytes; or Mapping field sequencing error, such as first, last, middle; or segmenting not supported and Mapping field not set to BBIU, EBIU.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The node does not support receipt of segments, and a Mapping field value other than BBIU, EBIU was received. Sent in UNBIND.


Interleaved BIND Segments Not Allowed: A BIND receiver that is in the middle of receiving segments of one BIND receives a segment from a different BIND; the receiver rejects both BINDs and disconnects the link.

80080000 PU Not Active

Explanation: The SSCP-PU secondary half-session in the receiving node has not been activated and the request was not ACTPU for this half-session. For example, the request was ACTLU from an SSCP that does not have an active SSCP-PU session with the PU associated with the addressed LU.

80090000 LU Not Active

Explanation: The destination address specifies an LU for which the SSCP-LU secondary half-session has not been activated, and the request was not ACTLU.

800A0000 Too-long PIU

Explanation: Transmission was truncated by a receiving node because the path information unit (PIU) exceeded a maximum length or sufficient buffering was not available.

800B0000 Incomplete TH

Explanation: Transmission received was shorter than a transmission header (TH).

800C0000 DCF Error

Explanation: Data Count Field (DCF) was inconsistent with transmission length.

800D0000 Lost Contact

Explanation: Contact with the link station for which the transmission was intended has been lost, but the link has not failed. If the difference between link failure and loss of contact is not detectable, link failure (X'8002') is sent.

800E0000 Unrecognized Origin

Explanation: The origin address specified in the transmission header (TH) was not recognized.

800Fxxxx Invalid Address Combination

Explanation: The address combination is invalid.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The (DAF', OAF') (FID2) combination or the LSID (FID3) specified an invalid type of session, for example, a PU-LU combination.

For example, this sense data may be seen when a computer attempts to set up a session (by sending a BIND) to a version of VTAM (probably a version before 3.2) that does not support independent sessions on the link being used. This may be observed as a single SNASVCMG session being established, but not the usual pair of them.


The FID2 ODAI setting in a received BIND is incorrect; the BIND is rejected.

80100000 Segmented RU Length Error

Explanation: An RU was found to exceed a maximum length, or required buffer allocation that might cause future buffer depletion.

8014xxxx No Path Exists to the Destination Node

Explanation: Route Selection services in the control point (CP) has determined from the APPN topology database that no path exists to the destination node.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No route to the destination node exists for the specified class of service (COS). This can occur when using one of the modes that specifies a particular COS, such as #BATCHSC, that cannot be achieved along any route through the network. The implication is that a path does exist, but not a path with the required characteristics.

With the OS/2 Communications Manager, for example, examine whether the DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION fq_owning_cp_name for the host LU matches the adjacent_node_cp_name returned on your display of the active link. If it does not, the NN cannot find a route to the CP name you specified on the DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION.


Invalid class-of-service (COS) name received.


The APPN topology database indicates that the destination node is not available now; the node either has inconsistent data or is quiescing.


The APPN topology database indicates that the endpoint resources are depleted; the node is out of either half-session control blocks or message buffers.


The Route Selection control vector (RSCV) specifying the route to the destination node was truncated. The length of the generated RSCV exceeds the maximum allowed.

8020xxxx Session Reset

Explanation: The LU-LU session identified in the UNBIND is being deactivated because of a reset condition.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


Virtual Route Inoperative. The virtual route used by the LU-LU session has become inoperative, thus forcing the deactivation of the identified LU-LU session.


Virtual Route Deactivated. The identified LU-LU session had to be deactivated because of a forced deactivation of the virtual route being used by the LU-LU session.


Route Extension Failure. The route extension used by the LU-LU session has become inoperative, thus forcing the deactivation of the identified LU-LU session.


Third Party Termination. The network operator cause the forced or cleanup termination of the LU-LU session.

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