IBM Books

APPC, CPI-C, and SNA Sense Codes

X'FF' Product Unique Errors

This category indicates a condition was detected by the node that is not defined in SNA. The sense code defined is unique to a platform implementation.

FFFExxxx OS/2 Communications Manager: Unable to Obtain Session

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


CNOS Negotiation in Progress. An Allocate call was attempted while CNOS contention winner negotiation is occurring in another process or thread, from the same local LU to the same partner LU. Session limits are currently being negotiated with your partner, because of a previous allocation attempt or a CNOS verb. This condition will continue until the previous session limit negotiation is completed.

Programmer Response: Retry the operation. This condition is timing related.


APPC Not Started. An Allocate call attempted while APPC has not been started.

Programmer Response: Retry the operation. This condition is timing related.


A mode, other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG, is pending a delete. A program is unable to issue an Allocate call for this mode while the mode is in pending delete state. With the OS/2 Communications Manager, pending delete state is attained by issuing DEFINE_MODE with changes, or DELETE_MODE. These verbs do not go into effect until all sessions using this mode are inactive.


The CPSVCMG mode is pending a delete. APPC is unable to internally issue an Allocate call for this mode while the mode is in pending delete state.


The SNASVCMG mode is pending a delete. APPC is unable to internally issue an Allocate call for this mode while the mode is in pending delete state. Pending delete state is attained by issuing DEFINE_MODE with changes, or DELETE_MODE. These verbs do not take affect until all sessions using this mode are inactive.


Session unavailable on a mode other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG. An Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_SESSION_FREE) was attempted, but no pending or bindable sessions are available.


A session is unavailable on a CPSVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_SESSION_FREE), but no pending or bindable sessions are currently available.


A session is unavailable on a SNASVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_SESSION_FREE), but no pending or bindable sessions are currently available.


Partner CNOS race condition. APPC issued an internal CNOS verb. Although its primary return was PARTNER_REJECT and the secondary return code was CNOS_RACE, no sense data associated with the returned verb was generated.

Programmer Response: Retry the operation. This condition is timing related.


This code is returned when a second ACTLU or a DACTPU is received on a session that is pending activation. This occurs only during sub-area session activation.


Last session deactivated on a mode other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG. This code is returned on an Allocate call when return_control is WHEN_SESSION_ALLOCATED, or WHEN_SESSION_FREE. A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore, the Allocate call returns without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Last session deactivated on a CPSVCMG Mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_SESSION_ALLOCATED) or return_control(WHEN_SESSION_FREE). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore the Allocate call is returned without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Last session deactivated on an SNASVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_SESSION_ALLOCATED) or return_control(WHEN_SESSION_FREE). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore the Allocate call is returned without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Last contention winner session is deactivated on a mode other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG. This code is returned on an Allocate call when return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore, the Allocate call returns without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Last contention winner session is deactivated on a CPSVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore the Allocate call is returned without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Last contention winner session is deactivated on an SNASVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore the Allocate call is returned without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Associated session for a conversation group is deactivated. This code is returned on an Allocate call when return_control(WHEN_CONV_GROUP_ALLOC). A queued session request is rejected because the last session on the requested mode was deactivated. Therefore, the Allocate call returns without being fulfilled, with this sense data.


Associated Session for Conversation Group is Not Defined. An Allocate call was issued, with return_control(WHEN_CONV_GROUP_ALLOC) was specified, and no session is available. A likely cause of this sense data is that your program supplied an invalid conversation_group_id parameter on an Allocate call. In OS/2 Communications Manager, a list of valid conversion group IDs can be found by issuing the DISPLAY verb, requesting Active TP Information.


Contention winner session never available on a mode other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG. An Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED) was specified and the mode's minimum contention winner value is zero and no session is available.


Contention winner session never available on CPSVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED) and the mode's minimum contention winner value is zero and no session is available.


Contention winner session never available on SNASVCMG mode. APPC issued an internal Allocate call with return_control(WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED) and the mode's minimum contention winner value is zero and no session is available.


Session never available on a mode other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG. This sense data can be caused by one of the following conditions:


Session never available on a CPSVCMG mode. This sense data can be caused by one of the following conditions:


Session never available on an SNASVCMG mode. This sense data can be caused by one of the following conditions:


The SNASVCMG mode does not exist. If the SNASVCMG mode does not exist, and APPC is executing its internal CNOS transaction program to control parallel sessions, this sense data will occur. Since the SNASVCMG mode should always be defined, this signals an error condition.


A remote mode, other than CPSVCMG or SNASVCMG, is closed or does not exist. Usually, this means that the mode is not defined correctly at the partner, or the number of sessions was changed to zero.

APPC issued an internal CNOS verb, and its primary return was PARTNER_REJECT and the secondary return code was MODE_CLOSED or BAD_MODE, and there was no sense data.


A remote CPSVCMG mode is closed or does not exist. APPC issued an internal CNOS verb. Its primary return was PARTNER_REJECT and the secondary return code was MODE_CLOSED or BAD_MODE. There was no sense data associated with the returned verb.

Usually, this means that the mode is not defined correctly at the partner, or the number of sessions was changed to zero.


A remote SNASVCMG mode is closed or does not exist. APPC issued an internal CNOS verb, and its primary return was PARTNER_REJECT and the secondary return code was MODE_CLOSED or BAD_MODE, and there was no sense data associated with the returned verb.

Usually this means that the mode is not defined correctly at the partner, or the number of sessions was changed to zero.


Link is defined as independent LUs only. The network addressable unit (NAU) was configured as zero; this link can only be used for independent logical units (LUs). The primary cause of this is that the PU statement in the configuration has aparameter XID=NO; this must be YES if the host is going to allow OS/2 to send independent LU BINDs.


Path Control ID is Mismatched for Subarea. Mismatch between the PC IDs in the ACTLU and the INITSELF RUs.


The CNOS TP on the target node provided an invalid response. This sense data indicates an internal SNA error on the target node.

This sense data may be returned (in error) if your program is attempting to BIND non-CP sessions with a VTAM control point LU. VTAM may reject the BIND request with this sense data.

FFFFxxxx OS/2 Communications Manager: Directory Function Error

Explanation: An error occurred while performing an APPN directory search or directory delete.
Note:Products use the X'FFFF' prefix on sense codes that are product dependent and, more importantly, are never sent. They are only returned on an API crossing when the architected primary and secondary return codes do not provide adequate information and there is no architected sense code with the required definition.


Multiple Resources Found; Resource Must be Unique. A network search for a resource required to have a unique name has returned multiple positive replies from different owners. Only one resource should have that name. The other resources should be renamed or deleted, otherwise the first resource found in the search will be returned.


No link is available to an APPN network node server. No NNCP server was found when a local program issued an Allocate call to get a session with its associated partner LU.

This sense data indicates that a session activation failed because APPC could not find any link to connect it to the partner node. If your node is serviced by an APPN network node, this sense data means that your node could not contact that network node (probably because the link is down or defined incorrectly).

For example, when using the OS/2 Communications Manager in your local node, check to see that it is serviced by an APPN network node. If not, it means that you have not provided a valid DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION together with a DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK verb which specifies the link to use. Assure that the DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK verb contains a valid fq_adjacent_cp_name parameter and the link is either active, or is defined as activate_at_startup(NO) (which brings it up right away, as opposed to when the OS/2 Communications Manager is started).

Summary: either

Examples of how this can happen:

If you had this session working before, it is likely that your link to your partner or network node has gone down. Thus you could have failures now even though you have not changed your configuration. If the network node goes down and comes back up, your link is not automatically re-established. (Look for the NNLINK package for a tool to keep that link up).

To check this out, go to the Logical Link Services, and see if your link is displayed as inactive. If it is, re-activate it using the same panel. (If it's not, there's some other problem -- probably a configuration problem.)


Cannot delete a local node directory entry. An APPN end node sent a Delete generalized data stream (GDS) variable, requesting that the CP LU be deleted. This cannot be performed.


Address space unknown. The node has received data or is trying to send data on a link station which is not in its local address space. The node has canceled processing of the data.

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