IBM Books

APPC, CPI-C, and SNA Sense Codes

X'40' RH Usage Error

This category indicates that the value of a field or combination of fields in the RH violates architectural rules or previously selected BIND options. These errors prevent delivery of the request to the intended component and are independent of the current states of the session. They may result from the failure of the sender to enforce session rules. Detection by the receiver of each of these errors is optional.

40030000 BB Not Allowed

Explanation: The Begin Bracket indicator (BBI) was specified incorrectly; for example, BBI=BB with BCI=[BC.

40070000 Definite Response Not Allowed

Explanation: Definite response was requested when not permitted.

40110000 Incorrect Specification of RU Category

Explanation: The RU Category indicator was specified incorrectly; for example, an expedited-flow request or response was specified with RU Category indicator = FMD.

40120000 Incorrect Specification of Request Code

Explanation: The request code on a response does not match the request code on its corresponding request.

40130000 Incorrect Specification of (SDI, RTI)

Explanation: The Sense Data Included indicator (SDI) and the Response Type indicator (RTI) were not specified properly on a response. The proper value pairs are (SDI=SD, RTI=negative) and (SDI=[SD, RTI=positive).

40140000 Incorrect Use of (DR1I, DR2I, ERI)

Explanation: The Definite Response 1 indicator (DR1I), Definite Response 2 indicator (DR2I), and Exception Response indicator (ERI) were specified incorrectly; for example, a SIGNAL request was not specified with DR1I=DR1, DR2I=[DR2, and ERI=[ER.

40150000 Incorrect Use of QRI

Explanation: The Queued Response indicator (QRI) was specified incorrectly; for example, QRI=QR on an expedited-flow request.

40190000 Incorrect Indicators with Last-In-Chain Request

Explanation: A last-in-chain request has specified incompatible RH settings; for example, RQE*, CEBI=[CEB, and CDI=[CD.

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