This category indicates a sequence number error, or an RH or RU that it is not allowed for the receiver's current session control or data flow control state. These errors prevent delivery of the request to the intended component.
Explanation: Sequence number received on normal-flow request was not 1 greater than the last.
Explanation: Error in the sequence of the chain indicator settings (BCI, ECI), such as first, middle, first.
Explanation: Error resulting from failure of sender to enforce bracket rules for session. (This error does not apply to contention or race conditions.)
Explanation: Error resulting from a normal-flow request received while the half-duplex flip-flop state was not Receive.
Explanation: An FMD request specifying BBI=BB was received after the receiver had previously received a BRACKET INITIATION STOPPED request.
Explanation: The immediate request mode protocol has been violated by the request.
Explanation: A response was received that cannot be correlated to a previously sent request.
Explanation: A BIS protocol error was detected; for example, a BIS request was received after a previous BIS was received and processed.
Explanation: A violation of pacing protocols was detected.
A normal-flow or BIND request was received after the pacing count had been reduced to zero and before a pacing response had been sent.
Unexpected Isolated Pacing Message (IPM) Received. An IPM was received when the receiver was in a state that did not allow it.
Unexpected Pacing Request Received. A request with the pacing indicator set was received when the receiver was in a state that did not allow it.
Pacing Response Indicator incorrectly set. The pacing indicator was set in a non-IPM response received while adaptive pacing was being used.
Explanation: A negative response was received that contains an SNA-defined sense code that cannot be used for the sent request.