Release Notes

6New environment variable: DB2DXX_MIN_TMPFILE_SIZE

6DB2 XML Extender may place large documents in temporary files to avoid 6using too much memory during processing. On systems with large amounts 6of physical memory, it is possible to avoid moving documents to temporary 6files, reducing the amount of input/output activity. The environment 6variable DB2DXX_MIN_TMPFILE_SIZE instructs XML Extender to use memory buffers, 6rather than temporary files, for processing documents smaller than the 6specified value. The variable is applicable only on the server, not on 6a client. If multiple physical nodes participate in a multi-node 6partition, the variable can be set differently on each node, accurately 6reflecting the amount of memory installed on each node. If the 6environment variable is not set, documents larger than 128KB will 6automatically be placed into temporary files during processing, while 6documents smaller than 128K will be processed in memory.

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