Release Notes

6XMLVARCHAR UDT size limit removed

6You can now define the size of the XMLVARCHAR user-defined type prior to 6enabling the database. Previously, the XML Extender failed when the 6database was enabled and a previously defined XMLVARCHAR existed. 6Perform the following steps to change the size of the XMLVARCHAR UDT of an 6already enabled database: 6

  1. 6Back up all data in the XML Extender-enabled database.
  2. 6Drop all XML collection tables or XML column side tables.
  3. 6Disable the database with the dxxadm disable_db command.
  4. 6Create the XMLVARCHAR user-defined type.
  5. 6Enable the database with the dxxadm enable_db command.
  6. 6Recreate and reload the tables. 6

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