Release Notes

Appendix A. DB2 UDB FixPak CD directory structure

Windows operating systems
The files on the FixPak CD are located as follows:

Table 10. Windows files

Files Location
DB2 product files: x:\db2
Installation Notes: x:\doc\<language>\install.txt
Installation Notes (HTML): x:\doc\<language>\install.htm
License files: x:\db2\license
Release Notes: x:\doc\<language>\release.txt
Release Notes (HTML): x:\doc\<language>\db2ir\index.htm

UNIX operating systems
The files on the FixPak CD are located as follows

Table 11. UNIX files

Files Location
DB2 product files: /cdrom/db2
Installation Notes: /cdrom/doc/<language>/install.txt
Installation Notes (HTML): /cdrom/doc/<language>/install.htm
License files: /cdrom/db2/license
Release Notes: /cdrom/doc/<language>/release.txt
Release Notes (HTML): /cdrom/doc/<language>/db2ir/index.htm


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