Release Notes


  • accessibility
  • keyboard shortcuts (856)
  • accessibility features (1009)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • accessing with non-english locales (698)
  • ADT transforms (910)
  • AIX
  • installation errors (720)
  • AIX 4.3.3
  • AutoLoader hanging after a fork (817)
  • AS/400
  • capture and apply for (829)
  • assigning strings to columns, rules for (984)
  • assignments
  • strings, basic rules for (982)
  • authentication
  • by domain using DB2DOMAINLIST (1018)
  • AutoLoader
  • hanging during fork (816)
  • B
  • backup
  • when LOGRETAIN=CAPTURE (807)
  • backup method
  • for Data Links Manager (812)
  • bidirectional language support
  • with Control Center on Windows NT (853)
  • binding database utilities using Run-Time Client (907)
  • buffer pool blocking (756)
  • examples (763)
  • buffer pool IDs (762)
  • buffer pools
  • block-based (758)
  • contiguous pages (761)
  • page-based (757)
  • C
  • backup and restore behavior (809)
  • capture and apply
  • error messages (833)
  • on AS/400 (830)
  • starting from within an application (834)
  • character conversion
  • rules for operations combining strings (985)
  • rules when comparing strings (987)
  • character string
  • assignment, overview (981)
  • Chinese
  • display limitations on Linux (680)
  • CLI
  • advantages of (911)
  • configuration keywords
  • SKIPTRACE (938)
  • stored procedures
  • multiple result sets (912)
  • writing a Unicode application (913)
  • CLI functions
  • SQLBindFileToParam (940)
  • SQLColAttribute (941)
  • SQLGetInfo (944)
  • SQLGetLength (946)
  • SQLNextResult (949)
  • SQLSetStmtAttr (951)
  • CLI stored procedures
  • autobinding (936)
  • limitations (935)
  • clients
  • downloading (700)
  • three-tier environment (918)
  • CLOB data
  • MQSeries functions (978)
  • clone databases
  • creating (778)
  • column
  • string assignment, basic rules for (983)
  • compound SQL, using (933)
  • concatenation
  • operator (991)
  • connections
  • increasing data transfer rates (1008)
  • Control Center
  • bidirectional support
  • on Windows NT (852)
  • errors with Internet Explorer (685)
  • fix required for OS/390 (864)
  • infopops display problem on OS/2 (867)
  • not working (687)
  • on OS/390 platform (863)
  • restrictions on concurrent applets (871)
  • script center problems on Windows 95 (872)
  • Tool Setting notebook (870)
  • troubleshooting (865)
  • troubleshooting on UNIX platforms (866)
  • using to administer VM and VSE databases (851)
  • using with Japanese (677)
  • using with Simplified Chinese (676)
  • Version 6, using to administer satellite environment (803)
  • conversion rules
  • for operations combining strings (986)
  • for string comparisons (988)
  • copy daemon (723)
  • crash recovery
  • using db2inidb tool (776)
  • Create Database wizard
  • setting extent size in (877)
  • CREATE PROCEDURE statement
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (997)
  • cursors
  • attributes, default (922)
  • concurrency (926)
  • keyset-driven
  • updating (929)
  • scrollable (927)
  • keyset-driven (917)
  • OS/390 (914)
  • server-side (915)
  • static (916)
  • troubleshooting applications (932)
  • sensitivity (924)
  • type (923)
  • updatable (925)
  • values concurrency (930)
  • D
  • Data Link Manager
  • backup methods (813)
  • Data Links Manager
  • problems retoring files (727)
  • Data Movement
  • limits of Unicode clients (818)
  • data transfer rates
  • increasing (1007)
  • data types
  • promotion in a Unicode database (980)
  • data warehouse center
  • key definitions (887)
  • tag language files (888)
  • using stored procedures (1024)
  • Data Warehouse Center
  • Database Movement Tool (814)
  • DataJoiner
  • restrictions (1020)
  • problems when restoring (724)
  • replication (824)
  • DAYOFWEEK_ISO scalar function (957)
  • DB2_BLOCK_BASED_BP (766)
  • DB2 control server
  • minimum requirements (791)
  • response file installation (792)
  • Version 6, upgrading (802)
  • DB2 Enterprise Edition
  • setting up as satellite (783)
  • prerequisites (790)
  • Version 6, using as DB2 control server (801)
  • DB2_NEWLOGPATH (769)
  • DB2_NEWLOGPATH2 (770)
  • formerly NEWLOGPATH2 (811)
  • DB2_PARALLEL_IO (755)
  • DB2 Personal Edition
  • setting up as satellite (782)
  • prerequisites (789)
  • DB2 Relational Connect
  • installation on Unix (733)
  • installation on Windows NT (732)
  • DB2 Server for VM and VSE
  • administering databases from Control Center (850)
  • db2ArchiveLog (906)
  • db2inidb tool (773)
  • db2iupdt command, running after upgrading DB2 (714)
  • db2move (815)
  • db2start
  • on Windows 95, 98 and ME (835)
  • deadlocks (837)
  • DFS Client Enabler
  • uninstalling (1016)
  • dlfm client_conf
  • reasons for failure (726)
  • double byte character sets (DBCS)
  • display limitations on Linux (684)
  • DWC7906, message updated (884)
  • E
  • enable_MQFunctions (843), (845)
  • environment variables
  • error messages
  • bind files not found (1010)
  • during migration (721)
  • file access denied (861)
  • invalid shortcut (855)
  • SQL10012N (869)
  • when adding nodes to partitioned databases (765)
  • errors, installation
  • AIX (718)
  • expression
  • concatenation operator (989)
  • string (990)
  • extent size
  • setting in the Create Database wizard (876)
  • F
  • federated systems
  • nicknames (730)
  • restrictions (731)
  • wrappers (729)
  • Federated Systems, restrictions (1019)
  • file access denied error (860)
  • functions
  • in a Unicode database (995)
  • scalar
  • MQPUBLISH (960)
  • MQREADCLOB (963)
  • MQSEND (969)
  • table
  • G
  • gateways
  • three-tier environment (919)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (998)
  • GET ROUTINE (806)
  • GET_ROUTINE_SAR (1002)
  • gui tools
  • binding errors (1011)
  • H
  • high availability (775)
  • hotkeys
  • problems with (857)
  • HP-UX
  • no support for Query Enabler (904)
  • HP-UX 11
  • memory windows (1014)
  • I
  • Information Catalog Manager
  • in Hebrew (1021)
  • utility program (897)
  • installation
  • hanging when using removable drive (707)
  • service account required on Windows (1023)
  • stopping DB2 processes during (712)
  • installation errors
  • AIX (719)
  • installation prerequisites
  • for UDB EE and CEE on Linux for OS/390 (717)
  • Internet Explorer
  • errors with Control Center (686)
  • invalid shortcut error (854)
  • IPX/SPX protocol support, on Windows 2000 (711)
  • J
  • Japanese
  • display limitations on Linux (679)
  • locale setting on Linux (674)
  • JDBC
  • scrollable cursors, accessing (921)
  • JDBC/ODBC/CLI static profiling, limitations (908)
  • JDK 1.1
  • installation path (868)
  • K
  • key definitions
  • metadata import/export (885)
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • problems with (858)
  • Korean
  • display limitations on Linux (683)
  • L
  • Language Support
  • SAP Connector (896)
  • Linux
  • limitations for double-byte character sets (678)
  • locale settings for Japanese and Simplified Chinese (673)
  • running DB2 UBD administration tools (848)
  • setting environment for Control Center (716)
  • locale
  • Japanese and Simplified Chinese on Linux (672)
  • locales
  • Simplified Chinese on Red Flag Linux (670)
  • lock waits (838)
  • locking, optimistic (931)
  • M
  • memory windows
  • on HP-UX 11 (1013)
  • messages
  • for capture and apply (832)
  • Microsoft SQL Server data sources
  • code pages (751)
  • DSN name (749)
  • environment variables (745)
  • improving performance (747)
  • link to DB2 (746)
  • MERANT library (744)
  • MERANT wrappers (748)
  • ODBC driver (743)
  • ODBC traces (750)
  • migration
  • errors during (722)
  • on Windows 2000 (704)
  • problems with views (708)
  • running db2iupdt to update instances (715)
  • MQ Functions (844), (846)
  • MQPUBLISH function
  • detailed description (961)
  • values and arguments (962)
  • MQREADALLCLOB function
  • detailed description (973)
  • values and arguments (974)
  • MQREADCLOB function
  • detailed description (964)
  • values and arguments (965)
  • detailed description (976)
  • values and arguments (977)
  • MQRECEIVECLOB function
  • detailed description (967)
  • values and arguments (968)
  • MQSEND function
  • detailed description (970)
  • values and arguments (971)
  • MQSeries Assist wizard (879)
  • MQSeries functions
  • CLOB data support (979)
  • multisite update test connect
  • instance version incompatibility (862)
  • N
  • NetQuestion
  • using TCP/IP on OS/2 (694)
  • Netscape
  • error messages (697), (875)
  • using to access online info (689)
  • now called DB2_NEWLOGPATH2 (810)
  • next key locking (839)
  • NLV support
  • Unicode (1004)
  • NUMA-Q
  • no support for Query Enabler or Tracker (905)
  • O
  • ODBC
  • fetch orientations (928)
  • scrollable cursors, accessing (920)
  • ODBC Unicode applications (953)
  • OLE DB Assist wizard (881)
  • online information
  • searching
  • on Solaris operating environment (693)
  • operand
  • string (993)
  • Oracle data sources
  • environment variables (736)
  • Linux wrapper (735)
  • Solaris wrapper (734)
  • OS/2
  • installing Control Center (859)
  • NetQuestion (695)
  • P
  • partitioned databases
  • errors when adding nodes (764)
  • patch levels
  • on Solaris version 2.6 (702)
  • PDF files
  • accessing with non-english locales (699)
  • performace
  • on paid (754)
  • process
  • schedules (892), (893)
  • processes, stopping before installation (713)
  • Q
  • Query Enabler
  • unsupported on HP-UX and NUMA-Q (903)
  • Query Patroller
  • loss of user privileges after migration (901)
  • Query Patroller Tracker
  • unsupported on NUMA-Q (902)
  • query results, viewing (873)
  • quick tour (883)
  • R
  • raid
  • optimizing for (752)
  • Red Flag Linux
  • Simplified Chinese locale (671)
  • registry variables
  • DB2_NEWLOGPATH (767)
  • DB2DOMAINLIST (1017)
  • remote client access
  • configuring Communication Server for NT (706)
  • replication
  • DATALINK (823)
  • planning (825)
  • problem determination in (827)
  • restrictions on table and column names (822)
  • scenarios for (821)
  • update-anywhere prerequisite (826)
  • with non-IBM servers (820)
  • Replication Analyzer (828)
  • response file installation
  • DB2 control server keywords (793)
  • satellite-specific keywords (798)
  • restore
  • when LOGRETAIN=CAPTURE (808)
  • restoring
  • problems with DATALINK columns (725)
  • restoring files
  • Data Links Manager (728)
  • Restrictions
  • SAP Connector (895)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (999)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (1000)
  • S
  • sample contents, viewing (874)
  • SAP connector
  • Installation (894)
  • Satellite Administration Center
  • Version 6, using to administer satellite environment (804)
  • satellite environment
  • administering with Version 6 Satellite Administration Center (805)
  • DB2 Personal Edition satellite (786)
  • DB2 Workgroup Edition satellite (787)
  • installation considerations (794)
  • interactive installation of satellite (800)
  • prerequisites (788)
  • response file installation of satellite (797)
  • satellites
  • DB2 Personal Edition (784)
  • DB2 Workgroup Edition (785)
  • installation considerations (795)
  • interactive installation (799)
  • response file installation (796)
  • scalar functions
  • WEEK_ISO (956)
  • scattered read (759)
  • schedules
  • duplicate (890)
  • step and process (889)
  • search discovery (1012)
  • searching online information
  • on Solaris operating environment (691)
  • Simplified Chinese
  • display limitations on Linux (681)
  • locale setting on Linux (675)
  • SNA Server
  • accessing UDB from host or AS/400 applications (705)
  • verifying start after rebooting (1022)
  • Solaris
  • lack of support for versions previous to UltraSparc (669)
  • patch level required on V2.6 (701)
  • Solaris operating environment
  • searching online information on (692)
  • Solaris operating system
  • 64-bit
  • configuration (840)
  • restrictions (841)
  • split mirror
  • as a backup image (780)
  • as a standby database (779)
  • as the primary database (781)
  • split mirror handling
  • online (777)
  • SQL, compound (934)
  • SQL procedure
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (1001)
  • SQL2553N (959)
  • SQLBindFileToParam CLI function, correction (939)
  • SQLColAttribute function
  • SQLGetInfo function (945)
  • SQLGetLength function
  • DBCLOB (947)
  • SQLNextResult function (948)
  • SQLSetEnvAttr function
  • SQL_ATTR_KEEPCTX attribute (950)
  • SQLSetStmtAttr function
  • SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute (952)
  • starting DB2
  • using db2start on Windows 95, 98 and ME (836)
  • static profiling, in JDBC/ODBC/CLI applications (909)
  • step
  • schedules (891)
  • stored procedures
  • in Data Warehouse Center (1025)
  • string
  • expression (992)
  • operand (994)
  • suspended I/O function
  • supporting continuous availability (774)
  • Sybase
  • incompatibility with ICM on Windows (898)
  • Sybase data sources (737)
  • code pages (742)
  • environment variables (739)
  • improving performance (741)
  • link to DB2 (740)
  • Sybase Open Client (738)
  • T
  • table space
  • on raid (753)
  • table structures (831)
  • tag language files
  • key definitions (886)
  • TCP/IP
  • NetQuestion (696)
  • tools
  • using on Linux (849)
  • Traditional Chinese
  • display limitations on Linux (682)
  • transfer rates
  • increasing (1006)
  • U
  • Unicode
  • database and applications (1003)
  • documentation updates (1005)
  • functions in (996)
  • in ODBC applications (954)
  • Unicode clients
  • data movement limitations (819)
  • uninstalling
  • DB2 DFS Client Enabler (1015)
  • updated books
  • Administration Guide (661)
  • Application Building Guide (660)
  • Application Development Guide (662)
  • Command Reference (663)
  • Data Recovery and High Availability Guide and Reference (664)
  • Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide (665)
  • DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide (667)
  • Message Reference (666)
  • SQL reference (668)
  • user profiles
  • changing node status (900)
  • V
  • vectored I/O (760)
  • views
  • unavailable after migration (709)
  • W
  • web browsers
  • recommendations for Windows 2000 (688)
  • WEEK_ISO scalar function (958)
  • Windows
  • incompatibility between Sybase and ICM (899)
  • Windows 2000
  • IPXX/SPX protocol support (710)
  • migrating on (703)
  • recommended web browsers on (690)
  • Wizards
  • Create Database (878)
  • MQSeries Assist (880)
  • OLE DB Assist (882)
  • X
  • XML extender
  • release notes (842)

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