Release Notes

18.1 Chapter 5. Configuration


The following information should be added to Table 2.

Parameter    Previous Upper Limit     Current Upper Limit
LOCKLIST     60000                    524288

18.1.2 shmsys:shminfo_shmmax

DB2 users on the 64-bit Solaris operating system should increase the value of "shmsys:shminfo_shmmax" in /etc/system, as necessary, to be able to allocate a large database shared memory set. The DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings book recommends setting that parameter to "90% of the physical RAM in the machine, in bytes". This recommendation is also valid for 64-bit implementations.

However, there is a problem with the following recommendation in the DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings book: For 32-bit systems with more than 4 GB of RAM (up to 64 GB in total is possible on the Solaris operating system), if a user sets the shmmax value to a number larger than 4 GB, and is using a 32-bit kernel, the kernel only looks at the lower 32 bits of the number, sometimes resulting in a very small value for shmmax.

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