Release Notes

|41.2 Message Updates

|41.2.1 SQL2554N New Reason Code 12

| |

|Reconcile processing could not complete on the DB2 Data Links Manager(s) |in the allotted time period. Check the diagnostic log file |db2diag.log for details. |

|User Response:
|The reconcile command has timed out waiting for verification |from the DB2 Data Links Manager(s). Try the reconcile |command again. |

|41.2.2 Additional New Messages and SQLSTATEs

SQL0490N Number "<number>" directly specified in an SQL statement is outside the range of allowable values in this context ("<minval>", "<maxval>")

Explanation: A number ("<number>") was specified that is not valid in the context in |which it was specified. The minimum allowed value in this context is |"<minval>". The maximum allowed value in this context is |"<maxval>". n must be within the range specified by "<minval>" |and "<maxval>" ("<minval>" =< n =< "<maxval>").

|User Response: Change the value n to a valid value in the statement.

|sqlcode: -490

|sqlstate: 428B7

SQL20214NORDER OF "<table-designator>" was specified. But this table-designator is not ordered.

Explanation: The ORDER OF clause specifies the ordering of the result table based on the |order of "<table-designator>", which is not ordered. There is no |ORDER BY clause on the query associated with "<table-designator>", or the |sort key of the ORDER BY clause is a constant expression.

|User Response: Add a valid ORDER BY cause to the query associated with |"<table-designator>", or use a sort-key specification instead of using the |ORDER OF clause.

|sqlcode: -20210

|sqlstate: 428FI

SQL20211NThe specification ORDER BY and FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY is invalid.

Explanation: An ORDER BY or FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY is not allowed in: |

|User Response: Remove the ORDER BY or FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY clause. An ORDER BY can |only be used in a query that uses the view, summary table, or SQL table |function. The effect of FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY can be created by using |the ROW_NUMBER() OVER() clause in conjunction with a predicate in the WHERE |clause. For example:

|	(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS rn name FROM emp) AS e WHERE rn<10

|sqlcode: -20211

|sqlstate: 428FJ

|Table 15. New SQLSTATE Messages

SQLSTATE Value Meaning
428B7 A number specified in an SQL statement is out of the valid range.
428FI ORDER OF was specified, but the table-designator does not contain an ORDER BY clause.
428FJ ORDER BY is not allowed in the outer fullselect of a view or summary table.

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