Creating the installation-level and started task configuration settings
Application Performance Analyzer provides for two types of configuration:
- Installation-level configuration settings
- This is global, installation-level configuration information.
You specify the settings in assembly macro statements and generate
these into the load module CAZCNFG1 in hlq.SCAZAUTH.
The key settings stored in this module are the Application Performance Analyzer access
The member CAZCNFG1 in hlq.SCAZSAMP contains model source code. Modify and add settings to suit your installation. The member CAZASMCF in hlq.SCAZSAMP contains the assembly and linkedit JCL necessary to create the CAZCNFG1 module. Refer to the instructions in CAZASMCF for details of the necessary changes.
- Started task configuration settings
- You specify these settings in a SYSIN-type file which the Application Performance Analyzer started task processes when it begins execution. You can change these settings at any time by editing the member and then restarting the started task. The supplied member CAZCNFG0 in hlq.SCAZSAMP is an example of this file which you can copy and modify to suit your requirements. See Started task configuration settings for more information.