CAZRULE Statement Parameters

Specify the User ID to which the rule applies in the first positional parameter. You can specify either a full User ID or a User ID pattern. The value is not case sensitive.
Specify patterns using the following special characters:
* (asterisk)
To specify a wildcard value. An asterisk must be the last character in the value. The characters up to the asterisk are compared for an exact match. For example, ABC* will match any User ID beginning with ABC.
? (question mark)
To specify any character match. A question mark specifies that any User ID character, in the same position, will be matched. For example, AB??EF will result in the match of any User ID characters in the third and fourth positions. The User ID ABCDEF will be matched, as will ABXYEF.
The second positional parameter determines whether the CAZRULE statement specifies that the access is to be permitted (ALLOW) or denied (DISALLOW). The value is not case sensitive.
The third positional parameter in the CAZRULE statement specifies the type of access. See Access rule descriptions for a summary of all AccessType values. The value is not case sensitive.
The fourth positional parameter specifies the Object to which the rule applies. Refer to Access rule descriptions for information about which objects apply to which AccessType values.
The types of objects are:
  • User ID name or pattern
  • Job Name or pattern
  • Application Performance Analyzer ID or asterisk (*) for any Application Performance Analyzer started task
User ID Object pattern
When the object type is a User ID, an additional special pattern character, an equal sign (=), is permitted. Specifying '=' has the effect of substituting the character from the actual User ID (the User ID for which the rule is being checked) before the comparison is made.
The CAZRULE accepts one keyword parameter: ID=STCID. You can use this parameter to specify the Application Performance Analyzer ID to which the rule applies. Typically you omit the ID= parameter for a default value of '*'. The rule applies to all Application Performance Analyzer started tasks.