Specifying access rules

You specify access rules – rules controlling the type of access to Application Performance Analyzer functions granted by User ID – in the access rules section of CAZCNFG1. You define each access rule in the CAZCNFG1 source member using the CAZRULE statement. In each rule you specify:
  • a User ID value, or pattern
  • ALLOW or DISALLOW indicating if the rule specifies that the access is allowed or disallowed
  • the type of access
  • and the name, or name pattern, of an Object to be accessed.

The CAZRULE statement is an assembly macro statement and must follow the syntax rules for assembler macros. You specify the four values, noted above, in the first through fourth positional macro parameters. You might also specify a value in the name field – starting in column 1. This is ignored by the CAZRULE; you can use this for your own purposes.