Making the Application Performance Analyzer-started task available

To make the Application Performance Analyzer-started task available, complete the following steps:

  1. Edit the procedure CAZ0 in your library hlq.SCAZSAMP. See the instructions in the sample job for more information.
  2. Copy this procedure to a library in the JES2 or JES3 procedure library concatenation for started tasks. You can rename this procedure to any valid procedure name to meet your site’s requirements.
  3. Define a user ID for the Application Performance Analyzer-started task procedure.
  4. Grant the user ID you created READ access to Application Performance Analyzer libraries.
  5. Define a profile in the RACF® STARTED class for the Application Performance Analyzer-started task procedure so that it can access protected resources. To do this, update your security definitions by using the RDEFINE command to associate the Application Performance Analyzer-started task procedure with user IDs as follows:
    RDEFINE STARTED procname.* STDATA(USER(userid) GROUP(group))
    Where procname is the Application Performance Analyzer-started task procedure name, userid is the user ID, and group is the group on your system that has access to the RACF-protected resources.

    You can issue the above command under TSO/E or on the system console log.

    For more information about using the STARTED class, see z/OS® Security Server (RACF) Security Administrator’s Guide.

  6. Create or update a COMMNDxx parmlib member that will be used for IPL so that it contains the following command:
    COM='START procname'
    Where procname is the Application Performance Analyzer-started task procedure name.
Note: The Application Performance Analyzer-started task should run at the same or higher priority than any other task you will measure. For more information about assigning priority, see Assigning priority.