Current Deep Thunder Forecast for New York
The "spreadsheet column" of images below represents a small subset of the
type of visualized forecasts that can
be produced by Deep Thunder. The focus of these forecasts are
for the greater New York City metropolitan
Each image in the table above shows a fixed set of variables from the forecast
at different resolutions (rows). The specific data shown are for
potential use for aviation applications. In particular, the data
may be useful in indicating the potential for severe weather due to convection
(K Index, Lifted Index and Vertical Winds). As you go to higher resolution
(going down the page), you will see greater detail for the New York City
By clicking and dragging your mouse inside each image you can interact
with the visualization in a three-dimensional sense. Below each image
you can see a similar visualization for each animated in time by clicking
on the word Animation. For the latter, the files range in
size from 1 to 2 MB. Depending on the available bandwidth, that download
may take some time. If you are having problems viewing or interacting
with these images, make sure your browser has Javascript enabled.
If the forecast information presented on this page does not seem to
be current and you have visited this site recently, the results of the
previous visit may have been saved in your web browser's cache. If so,
you should change your cache settings (e.g., File->Preferences->Advanced->Cache
in Netscape and set the document comparison to "Every time"). When you
restart your browser, the problem should be solved. For your current session,
you should manually clear the cache and reload the page.
More Visualizations of the
Current Forecast
Learn More about These Forecasts
Recent High-Resolution Local
Satellite Observations
More about Deep Thunder
More about how Deep Thunder Visualizes the Data Generated by the
Weather Model
Current Weather
Information and Predictions for New York City (from the National Weather
Current Model Results from the
National Weather Service
Recent High-Resolution Local Radar Observations
Evaluation of Recent Forecasts