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Weather Modelling
Deep Thunder
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  Deep Thunder
Recent Radar Observations for New York
High-Resolution Reflectivity and Total Precipitation Estimates


This animation is derived from radar observations from the Upton, NY National Weather Service office focused on the New York City metropolitan area.  The data are available courtesy of the National Weather Service via their NOAAport data transmission system.  The NOAAport system used for this project was developed by Planetary Data, Inc.  The region corresponding to most of 4 km nest of the Deep Thunder forecasts is shown.  Several derived reflectivity, precipitation and velocity fields are available on the NOAAport system after extensive sampling, binning and compression.  As an interim product, two of the variables, composite reflectivity and total (liquid) precipitation have been processed via a modified version of the GEMPAK/N-AWIPS software, in order to be presented in this animation.  This product will eventually be replaced with more sophisticated type of visualization better able to illustrate the characteristics of these data.

The animation is a montage of reflectivity on the left and precipitation on the right, color mapped according to the legend at the left of each frame.  Each frame is overlaid with maps of coastlines, state and county boundaries as well as major roads.  Nominally, a new image is provided five to 15 minutes as presented in this animation.  During periods of "severe" weather, the update rate will be more frequent.  The time associated with each image is shown by a date and time stamp at the top and bottom, where time is in GMT.  This animation shows only the previous 12 hours of data at the time the animation was generated.  The frames in this animation, in general, will cover the period of recent Deep Thunder forecasts illustrated at this site.


An animation (compressed as an MPEG-1 video) is shown above with about 15 minutes of time between each frame.  Depending on your connection speed and that of your computer, the animation may take a few minutes to load and decompress in your browser.  The progress of that process is shown until it is completed.  When it is completed, the animation will play.  There are VCR-like controls under the animation to enable you to stop playback, play forward or backward, or step through the frames one at a time.    If you are having problems viewing or interacting with this animation, make sure your browser has Java and Javascript enabled.  If you are still having difficulty, you can download the mpeg file directly.

More Visualizations of the Current Forecast

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Learn More about Deep Thunder

Learn More about how Deep Thunder Visualizes the Data Generated by the Weather Model

Current Weather Information and Predictions for New York City (from the National Weather Service)

Recent High-Resolution Local Satellite Observations

Current Model Results from the National Weather Service

Evaluation of Recent Forecasts


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