Current Deep Thunder Forecast for New York
Products for Consolidated Edison Operations
There are four types of forecast information available for
New York City, and Westchester, Putnam, Orange and Rockland Counties.
The first is animations and images of maps of predicted temperature, wind, precipitation and wet bulb
temperature for that entire area. You can access them by clicking on the first image below.
The second is animations and images of maps of predicted temperature, wind, precipitation and wet bulb
temperature for Bronx and Westchester Counties.
You can access them by clicking on the second image below.
The third is animations and images of maps of predicted temperature, wind, precipitation and wet bulb
temperature for New York City.
You can access them by clicking on the third image below.
The fourth is clouds and surface conditions for a number of specific locations in the region,
via a set of four-panel plots. You can access them by clicking on the fourth image below.
You can learn more about this technology, relevant data
and weather forecasting, at the following sites:
More Visualizations of the
Current Forecast
Learn More about These Forecasts
Recent High-Resolution Local
Satellite Observations
More about Deep Thunder
More about how Deep Thunder Visualizes the Data Generated by the
Weather Model
Current Weather
Information and Predictions for New York City (from the National Weather
Current Model Results from the
National Weather Service
Recent High-Resolution Local Radar Observations
Evaluation of Recent Forecasts