Current Deep Thunder Forecast for New York
Products for Consolidated Edison Operations
Storm Classification at 4 km between Data Points
This page contains an animation that is a visualization of the Deep
Thunder forecast focused on
Bronx and Westchester Counties.
It uses data from the intermediate nest at 4 km resolution. Each time
step corresponds to thirty minutes of forecast time. The specific
data and representation shown are for potential use for ConEd operations
and planning.
In this case, there are maps of a forecasted storm classification scheme
as color contour bands,
following the legend at the lower right.
The map is accompanied by a number of overlays,
including coastlines and state boundaries in black, county boundaries in dark gray and
ConEd feeder cell boundaries in light gray,
and cities or other locations in black.
The animation on this page is composed of a set of individual JPEG images
with one hour of forecast time between each frame. Depending
on your connection speed and that of your computer, the animation may take
a few minutes to load and decompress in your browser. When
it is completed, the animation will play. There are VCR-like
controls under the animation to enable you to stop playback, play forward
or backward, or step through the frames one at a time, control the speed
of playback, etc. If you are having problems viewing or interacting
with this animation, make sure your browser has Javascript enabled.
If the forecast information presented on this page does not seem to
be current and you have visited this site recently, the results of the
previous visit may have been saved in your web browser's cache. If so,
you should change your cache settings (e.g., File->Preferences->Advanced->Cache
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restart your browser, the problem should be solved. For your current session,
you should manually clear the cache and reload the page.
The storm classification is based upon historical criteria that ConEd has defined for
this portion of their service area as outlined in the table below.
Currently, this visualization of the forecasted storm classification is using storm intensity
(winds and liquid precipitation) as criteria. Predictions of storm duration, gusts and snow will be
considered in later versions.
Storm Category and Plan |
PSC Category |
Typical Weather Conditions (One or More) |
Projected Number of Customers Out of Service |
Estimated Restoration Time |
1 - Upgraded (Bronx Westchester Resources) |
1 |
- Thunderstorms, rain and moving fronts
- Sustained winds of 25-30 mph
- Frequent gusts of 35 mph+
- Condition is short to mid-term
- Up to 6" of heavy, wet snow
Up to 7000 |
8-12 hours |
2A - Serious (Other ConEd Resources) |
2 |
- Heavy thunderstorms, rain
- Sustained winds up to 30 mph
- Frequent gusts of 40 mph+
- Up to 12" of heavy, wet snow
Up to 9000 |
12-16 hours |
2B - Serious |
2 |
- Heavy thunderstorms, rain
- Sustained winds up to 35 mph
- Frequent gusts of 45 mph+
- Up to 12" of heavy, wet snow
Up to 12000 |
12-16 hours |
2C - Serious |
2 |
- Heavy thunderstorms, rain
- Sustained winds up to 40 mph
- Frequent gusts of 50 mph+
- Up to 12" of heavy, wet snow
Up to 15000 |
12-20 hours |
3A - Full Scale (Non-ConEd Resources) |
3 |
- Severe thunderstorms, tropical storms, nor'easter, heavy rain
- Sustained winds up to 40-45 mph
- Frequent gusts of 60 mph+
- Over 15" of heavy, wet snow
Up to 40000 |
1-2 Days |
3B - Full Scale |
3 |
- Tropical storms, including Category 1 and 2 hurricanes
- Conditions exist for 6-12 hours or longer
Over 40000 |
2 Days to 1 week, depending on the number of customers affected |
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