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As applications become more sophisticated, it is becoming harder to find developers with the skills required to develop these applications. IBM is giving WebSphere Studio offerings a whole new persepctive - Rapid Application Development or RAD development tools. The RAD tools enable users to build applications and application templates, using visual editors, without having to program the code.

Template Application Wizard

The Template Application Wizard introduces a set of templates, each of which stores a description of an application along with customized settings. An application template is really the skeleton of an application - it includes the entire application, and may be either fully configured or have certain settings marked for further configuration. These settings enable wizard-driven specification of parameters and automatic generation of code to produce a complete operational application. This Web page gives you access to a set of predefined templates that you can download to extend the templates that are delivered with the wizard.

RAD Builder

The RAD Builder enables users to build applications and application templates, using visual editors, without having to program the code. The RAD Builder gives even novice developers the programming punch to develop first-class, Web-based applications. Using an intuitive graphical interface that displays the components and flow of an online application, the RAD Builder enables the user to control and fine-tune the various aspects of the Web pages, while providing clear signposts to help the user in the development process. The RAD Builder allows users to bypass code-writing and concentrate directly on the higher-level logic of the final application.

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