WebSphere software

IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition PTF 001 - General Fixes

Installation instructions

This document describes how to install IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition PTF 001 - General Fixes. You should have already downloaded the zip file and unzipped it to a PTF001 folder on your machine.

The PTF has two parts, both of which must be installed to bring WebSphere Studio up to the 5.0.1level. One part is for the base product, Eclipse, and one part is for the tools and run-time environment of WebSphere Studio. The run-time environment is used in the test environment of WebSphere Studio. In these instructions, you will be told how to use Update Manager to install both parts. 

On Windows, using Update Manager, both parts will be installed automatically in two separate operations. Should you experience any error messages during the process, follow the instructions provided in the error message. Should the PTF for the run-time environment fail to be installed, an information message will tell you and you can install it afterwards in a manual set of steps documented here.  

On Linux, the procedure is similar but only the PTF for the base product and the tools is installed. The PTF for the run-time environment must be installed in a separate manual set of steps documented here.

Interim fixes address specific problems. Several interim fixes have been issued for the run-time environment. If you needed to manually install the PTF for the run-time environment, then you need to manually install the interim fixes too.  

The instructions to manually install the PTF for the run-time environment and install the interim fixes are repeated in the readme file, in case you install them at a later time. You will find the readme file in the base folder of the install path for the product.

Finally, instructions have been provided on how to apply the interim fixes to the standalone WebSphere Application Servers (WAS) where you would deploy your 5.0.1 applications to.

Note: There are known issues that may result in problems during or after installing the PTF. To ensure a proper installation:

To install the general fixes, the following tasks must be performed:

Step 1 : Install the base PTF

Step 2 : Install the PTF for the tools and run-time environment

Step 3 : Manually install the PTF for the run-time environment

Step 4 : Install the interim fixes

Step 5 : Update the standalone WAS servers

Note: All screen captures in this document are taken from a Windows installation. Screens will look slightly different on Linux.

Step 1: Install the base PTF


  1. Log on to your system with a userid that has write permission to the install location and start WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.0. (This is typically a userid with Administrator authority on Windows, and root authority on Linux).
    Linux operating system Do not start with a workspace that a non-root user may later use. This can cause problems later since certain files may be written into the workspace during the update process that cannot be accessed by other users.
  2. If you have any running servers in the the test environment, stop them.

  3. Switch to the Install/Update perspective. Click . From the pop-up menu, select Other > Install/Update. Click OK. The Install/Update perspective opens.
  4. In the Feature Updates view, expand My Computer. Navigate to the PTF001 folder where you unzipped the PTF.  Expand UpdateManager, which is located inside it. You will use the highlighted files in the update folder.

    Files to be used for update
  5. Although you can install these files in any order, you will install them in the following logical order. First you will install the base PTF; that is, the one for the Eclipse platform. Then, later, you will install the PTF for the tools and run-time environment of WebSphere Studio.
  6. Select WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Product Branding. The Preview view opens describing the update. Click Update.

    Preview view of the installation of the base PTF
  7. The Feature Install window opens describing the version you are about to install. Click Next.

    Feature Install window describing version
  8. Read and accept the license and click Next. The Optional Features page opens.
    Warning: Do not modify the selections. Changing the default choices may result in errors.
    Click Next.

    Features installed by the PTF
  9. The final screen of the Install wizard shows the installation location.
    Warning: Errors may occur if you change the default installation location.
    Click Finish.

  10. If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned feature, click Install to continue.
    This warning will not cause problems during installation.

  11. When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart the product. Click Yes to complete the installation.
    Note: This action will not reboot your machine.

    Message to restart Integration Edition

  12. Return to the Install/Update perspective. In the Feature Updates view, expand My Computer to the PTF001 folder, if it is not already open. In the update folder inside UpdateManager, select WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Product Branding. In the Preview view, the Installed Version should now be 5.0.1. A Change button should replace the Update button.

    Preview view of the completed base PTF installation 

  13. Proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Install the PTF for the tools and run-time environment

  1. In the Feature Updates view, select WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Product. The Preview view opens describing the update. Click Update.

    Preview view of the installation of the tools and run-time PTF

  2. The Feature Install window opens describing the version you are about to install. Click Next.

    Feature Install window describing version
  3. Read and accept the license and click Next. The Optional Features page opens.
    Warning: Do not modify the selections. Changing the default choices may result in errors.
    Click Next.

    Features installed by the PTF

  4. The final screen of the Install wizard shows the installation location.
    Warning: Errors may occur if you change the default installation location.
    Click Finish.
  5. If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned feature, click Install to continue.
    This warning will not cause problems during installation.
    Note: This PTF will take longer to install than the previous one. Expect an installation time of five minutes or longer. At times a command window will open. Do not close it or you will terminate the installation and need to reinstall the PTF manually, as shown in step 3.  
  6. When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart the product. Click Yes to complete the installation.
    Note: This action will not reboot your machine.

    Message to restart Integration Edition

  7. Return to the Install/Update perspective. In the Feature Updates view, expand My Computer to the PTF001 folder, if it is not already open. In the update folder inside UpdateManager, select WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Product. In the Preview view, the Installed Version should now be 5.0.1. A Change button should replace the Update button.

    Preview view of the completed tools and run-time PTF installation
  8. Windows operating system If you received a message while installing the PTF that the installation was unsuccessful, proceed to step 3, manually install the PTF for the run-time environment. Otherwise, proceed to the Verification section.
    XP operating system Proceed to the Verification section.
    Linux operating system Proceed to step 3.


In this section, you will verify that the PTF for the run-time environment was installed.

  1. Create and launch a new enterprise server instance. For example, create an enterprise server instance called EETestServer. Next, select the Servers tab in the Servers view of the Business Integration perspective. Right-click EETestServer. From the pop-up menu, select Start. The Console view opens as the server starts.
  2. In the first line of the console output, you should see the following text to indicate the update to 5.0.1:
    WebSphere Platform 5.0 [BASE 5.0.1 ptf ... ] [PME 5.0.1 ptf...]  
  3. You can alternately use the administrative console for verification. To enable it, follow these steps:
    1. In the Servers view, select the Server Configuration tab. Right-click your new server instance and from the pop-up menu, select Open. Click the Configuration tab. Select Enable administration console and save and close your server configuration.
    2. Select the Servers tab and right-click your server. From the pop-up menu, select Start. Once started, select the server again and from the pop-up menu, select Run Administrative console. The console will launch in the internal browser of the workbench. You will be asked for a login userid. If you have never created one, enter a new one, such as IBM, and click OK. In the About your WebSphere Application Server section of the console, a 5.0.1 indicates a successful installation.

      Administrative console identification of 5.0.1

Note: Now that you have updated your run-time environment to the 5.0.1 level, it is recommended that you create new server instances for all your existing projects.

Windows operating system and XP operating system If you saw the same result in your console, then you are almost finished in terms of installing the fixes for WebSphere Studio. However, you still need to install the interim fixes for the base run-time environment and you will also want to update the standalone WAS servers you deploy your applications to. Proceed to Interim fixes for the base WAS run-time environment.
If you did not see this result, proceed to step 3, Manually install the PTF for the run-time environment.
Linux operating system Proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Manually install the PTF for the run-time environment

 Linux operating system Unzipping some files


  1. Close WebSphere Studio.
  2. Using a file manager, open the following folder:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates
  3. Create three folders in Runtime Updates: ASV PTF, PME PTF, and InterimFixes.
  4. Unzip was50_fp1_linux.zip to the ASV PTF folder. These files will update the base run-time environment.
  5. Unzip was50_pme_fp1_linux.zip to the PME PTF folder. These files will update the WAS Enterprise run-time environment.
  6. Unzip WAS_WSADIE_cumulative_Fix.zip to the InterimFixes folder. These interim fixes will be needed in the run-time environment to support applications created by the 5.0.1 tools.

Installing the PTF to the base WAS Enterprise run-time environment

Note: If you plan to install embedded messaging with WebSphere Studio and have not yet installed it, do so before continuing. Otherwise, if you install embedded messaging with WebSphere Studio after updating to 5.0.1, then you will need to repeat steps 3 and 4 in this document to complete the installation.

  1. Close WebSphere Studio, if open.
  2. Using a file manager such as Windows Explorer, open the following folder:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\ASV PTF
    If you see a folder inside it called java_tmp, delete it.
  3. Open a command window.
    On Windows, change the path to:
    Run setupCmdLine.bat.
    On Linux, execute this command:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio/runtimes/ee_v5/java  
  4. In the same command window, change the path to:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\ASV PTF
    Run updateWizard.bat (or updateWizard.sh on Linux).
    The Update Installation wizard opens. Click Next
  5. On the following page, select Specify product information. Click Browse beside the Installation directory field. A folder dialog opens. Navigate to:
    Select ee_v5 from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux).  The path is entered in the Installation directory field. It should be:
    Click Next.
  6. The following page lists what can be installed. Select Install fix packs. Click Next.
  7. The following page requests where the fix packs are located. Check that the Fix pack directory field is:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\ASV PTF\fixpacks
    Click Next.
  8. On the following page, the fix pack available for installation is listed. Click Next.
  9. The external components linked to the update are listed. If you installed embedded messaging in WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.0 then you should select Embedded Messaging and specify the install path. If you did not install embedded messaging then you should clear the Embedded Messaging check box. Click Next.
  10. The following page summarizes the installation, listing the fix pack, the product, and the directory to be updated. Click Next.
    Note: Expect an installation time of five minutes or longer.
  11. A final page confirms a successful installation. Click Finish. Close the command window.       

Installing the PTF unique to the WAS Enterprise run-time environment


  1. Using a file manager such as Windows Explorer, open the following folder:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\PME PTF
    If you see a folder inside it called java_tmp, delete it.
  2. Open a command window.
    On Windows, change the path to:
    Run setupCmdLine.bat.
    On Linux, execute this command:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio/runtimes/ee_v5/java  
  3. In the same command window, change the path to:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\PME PTF
    Run updateWizard.bat (or updateWizard.sh on Linux).
    The Update Installation wizard opens. Click Next
  4. On the following page, select Specify product information. Click Browse beside the Installation directory field. A folder dialog opens. Navigate to:
    Select ee_v5 from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the Installation directory field. It should be:
    Click Next.
  5. The following page lists what can be installed. Select Install fix packs. Click Next.
  6. The following page requests where the fix packs are located. Check that the Fix pack directory field is:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\PME PTF\fixpacks
    Click Next.
  7. The fix pack available for installation is listed. Click Next.
  8. The following page summarizes the installation, listing the fix pack, the product, and the directory to be updated. Click Next.
  9. A final page confirms a successful installation. Click Finish. Close the command window.    



  1. Open WebSphere Studio.
  2. Create and launch a new enterprise server instance. For example, create an enterprise server instance called EETestServer. Next, select the Servers tab in the Servers view of the Business Integration perspective. Right-click EETestServer. From the pop-up menu, select Start. The Console view opens as the server starts.
  3. In the first line of the console output, you should see the following text to indicate the update to 5.0.1:
    WebSphere Platform 5.0 [BASE 5.0.1 ptf ... ] [PME 5.0.1 ptf...]  
  4. You can alternately use the administrative console for verification. To enable it, in the Servers view, select the Server Configuration tab. Right-click your new server instance and from the pop-up menu, select Open. Click the Configuration tab. Select Enable administration console and save and close your server configuration.
  5. Select the Servers tab and right-click your server. From the pop-up menu, select Start. Once started, select the server again and from the pop-up menu, select Run Administrative console. The console will launch in the internal browser of the workbench. You will be asked for a login userid. If you have never created one, enter a new one, such as IBM, and click OK. In the About your WebSphere Application Server section of the console, a 5.0.1 indicates a successful installation.
  6. Proceed to step 4.

Note: You should recreate server instances for cases where applications are using compensation in a process.

Step 4: Install the interim fixes

Interim fixes for the base WAS run-time environment

These interim fixes are for the base run-time environment. By base run-time environment, we mean the WAS run time, not the WAS Enterprise run time. You select this run time when you choose Test Environment, not EE Test Environment, when configuring a server instance.

  1. The base run-time environment used in the test environment must first be updated to the 5.0.1 level before the interim fixes can be applied. To update this base run-time environment, open WebSphere Studio. Open the Install/Update perspective. In the Feature Updates view, expand Sites to Visit. Expand IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Interim Fixes. Select WebSphere Application Server Fixpacks 5.0.1. A description of the site opens in the Preview view. Click More Info.
  2. Follow the instructions and update WebSphere Application Server 5.0. You can also update other run times, such as WebSphere Application Server 4.0. Close WebSphere Studio, if open.
  3. Open a command window.
    On Windows, change the path to:
    Run setupCmdLine.bat.
    On Linux, execute this command:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio/runtimes/base_v5/java
  4. In the same command window, change the path to:
    Run efixWizard.bat (or efixWizard.sh on Linux).
    The efix Installation wizard opens. Choose a language and click OK. A Welcome page opens describing the wizard. Click Next
  5. On the following page, select Specify product information. Click Browse beside the Installation directory field. A folder dialog opens. Navigate to:
    Select base_v5 from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the Installation directory field. It should be:
    Click Next.
  6. The following page lists what can be installed. Select Install eFixes. Click Next.
  7. The following page requests where the eFixes are located. Click Browse beside the eFix Directory field. Navigate to:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates
    Select InterimFixes from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the eFix Directory field. It should be:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\InterimFixes
    Click Scan. All eFixes are listed. Select the following:

    Click Next.
  8. The following page summarizes the installation, listing the eFixes, the product and the directory to be updated. Click Next.
  9. A final page confirms a successful installation. Click Finish. Close the command window.
  10. Verify that you updated the base run-time environment by following similar steps to those in the Verification section. However, select Test Environment when creating a new server instance, not EE Test Environment. You should see BASE 5.0.1 in the console. You should not see PME 5.0.1, as it is exclusive to the EE Test Environment.  

Windows operating system and XP operating system If you successfully completed step 2, and saw 5.0.1 in the console, then skip the following section and proceed to step 5, Update the standalone WAS servers. Otherwise, proceed to the next section, installing the interim fixes for the WAS Enterprise run-time environment.
Linux operating system Proceed to the next section.

Interim fixes for the WAS Enterprise run-time environment

These interim fixes are for the WAS Enterprise run-time environment. You select this run time when you choose EE Test Environment, not Test Environment, when configuring a server instance.  

  1. Close WebSphere Studio.
  2. Open a command window.
    On Windows, change the path to:
    Run setupCmdLine.bat.
    On Linux, execute this command:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio/runtimes/ee_v5/java
  3. In the same command window, change the path to:
    Run efixWizard.bat (or efixWizard.sh on Linux).
    The efix Installation wizard opens. Choose a language and click OK. A Welcome page opens describing the wizard. Click Next
  4. On the following page, select Specify product information. Click Browse beside the Installation directory field. A folder dialog opens. Navigate to:
    Select ee_v5 from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the Installation directory field. It should be:
    Click Next.
  5. The following page lists what can be installed. Select Install eFixes. Click Next.
  6. The following page requests where the eFixes are located. Click Browse beside the eFix Directory field. Navigate to:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates
    Select InterimFixes from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the eFix Directory field. It should be:
    WSinstalldir\Runtime Updates\InterimFixes
    Click Scan. All eFixes are listed. Select them all. There should be four. Click Next.
  7. The following page summarizes the installation, listing the eFixes, the product and the directory to be updated. Click Next.
  8. A final page confirms a successful installation. Click Finish. Close the command window. 
  9. Proceed to step 5, Update the standalone WAS servers.  

Note: Are you using the Rational ClearCase SCM Adapter? If so, the ClearCase SCM Adapter was also updated since the 5.0 release. Instructions to install the ClearCase update are found here. In those instructions, the ClearCase update will be found under IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Fixes when using Update Manager with Windows. For Linux, a manual installation is required and the file provided.

Step 5 : Update the standalone WAS servers

You will undoubtedly deploy applications built after you installed the PTF and updated WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition to the 5.0.1 level. Therefore, you will also need to add the interim fixes to the standalone WebSphere Application Servers (WAS). Adding the interim fixes to the standalone WAS servers is similar to the previous instructions, but you must first get the interim fixes from the WAS Support site. To update the standalone WAS servers, click here

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