Updating the standalone WAS servers

After you have updated WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition to the 5.0.1 level, you will start creating applications based on this code level. Then you will deploy those applications to WebSphere Application Servers (WAS), either the base WAS server or the WAS Enterprise server. For your applications to run on those servers, you will need to update them with the interim fixes that were applied to the run-time environment of Integration Edition. These instructions tell you how to update the standalone WAS servers.

Prerequisites: Prior to adding these interim fixes, update your server to the 5.0.1 level. On the WAS server, apply the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 (Version 5.0.1) fix. On the WAS Enterprise server, apply the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Version 5.0 Fix Pack 1 (Version 5.0.1) fix.  

Create a folder for the interim fixes called  WASInterimFixes. For example: C:\WASInterimFixes (or /root/WASInterimFixes on Linux).

Getting the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) interim fixes

If you are updating a WAS server, follow these instructions.

  1. To get the interim fixes for the WAS server, click on this link: WAS support.
  2. In the Software downloads section, click All code fixes and support tools. The WebSphere Application Server page opens.
  3. In the list of fixes returned, download and unzip the following fixes to the WASInterimFixes folder:

Getting the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise (WASE) interim fixes

If you are updating a WAS Enterprise server, follow these instructions.

  1. To get the interim fixes for the WAS Enterprise server, click on this link: WASE support.
  2. In the Software downloads section, click All software downloads. The Download results page opens.
  3. In the list of fixes returned, download and unzip the following fixes to the WASInterimFixes folder:

Installing the interim fixes

  1. Open a command window.

    On Windows:
    1. Change the path to:

    2. Execute this command:
      set JAVA_HOME=WASinstalldir\java

    On Linux, execute this command:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java

  2. In the same command window, run efixWizard.bat (or efixWizard.sh on Linux).
    The efix Installation wizard opens. Choose a language and click OK. A Welcome page opens describing the wizard. Click Next.
  3. On the following page, you are prompted for a server. Choose the appropriate one and click Next.
  4. The following page lists what can be installed. Select Install eFixes. Click Next.
  5. The following page requests where the eFixes are located. Click Browse beside the eFix Directory field. Navigate to the drive (or root directory on Linux) where you placed your folder. Select WASInterimFixes from the folders listed. Click Open (or OK on Linux). The path is entered in the eFix Directory field. It should be:
    <drive or root>\WASInterimFixes
    Click Scan. All eFixes are listed for your particular WAS server. Select them all. Click Next.
  6. A final page confirms a successful installation. Click Finish. Close the command window.