Class Index


Namespace wpModules.contextMenu

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The static class used for all context menu related operations.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Initializes a context menu for the specified node using the provided menuId.
Public function which allows for invalidating the content of a menu.
Locks the menu functionality on the provided node and cancels any events that would open a new menu.
The register method registers a menu handler to the provided DOM node, which will open the menu if the provided node or one of it's children (that doesn't have a menu attached) was hovered for more than 500ms.
Repositions any open menu that is attached to the provided node.
Unlocks the menu functionality on the provided node and resets the behavior.
The unregister method un-registers a menu handler from either the provided node or removes the handler with the provided handle.
Namespace Detail
The static class used for all context menu related operations.
Method Detail
<static> wpModules.contextMenu.init(jsonObject)
Initializes a context menu for the specified node using the provided menuId.
{JSON} jsonObject
an object to pass the parameters
{DOMNode} jsonObject.node
the node to create the menu for
{String} jsonObject.menuId
the id of the menu to create for the node
{JSON} jsonObject.params Optional
JSON type object that to finer configure the menu
{String} jsonObject.params.templateId
defines a DOM node id for a template that should be used rather than the default template
{String} jsonObject.params.menuTrigger
the name of the menu-trigger to use. The default event handler provides hover and click triggers, if not specified the default hover is used.
{JSON} jsonObject.jsonQuery Optional
an additional parameter that allows to provide arbitrary query parameters that will be sent to the backend. Can be null

<static> wpModules.contextMenu.invalidate(id)
Public function which allows for invalidating the content of a menu. This will enforce a reload of the menu feed.
{String} id
The ID of the menu instance.

<static> wpModules.contextMenu.lock(node)
Locks the menu functionality on the provided node and cancels any events that would open a new menu. Any menus that are already open will not be touched by this functionality.
{DOMNode} node
the node for which to lock the menu

<static> {String} wpModules.contextMenu.register(jsonObject)
The register method registers a menu handler to the provided DOM node, which will open the menu if the provided node or one of it's children (that doesn't have a menu attached) was hovered for more than 500ms.
var handle = wptheme.contextMenu.register(myNode, componentActionMenu");
{JSON} jsonObject
the object to pass the parameters
{DOMNode} jsonObject.node
the node to create the menu for
{String} jsonObject.menuId
the id of the menu to create for the node
{JSON} jsonObject.params Optional
JSON type object that to finer configure the menu
{String} jsonObject.params.templateId
defines a DOM node id for a template that should be used rather than the default template
{String} jsonObject.params.menuTrigger
the name of the menu-trigger to use. The default event handler provides hover and click triggers, if not specified the default hover is used.
{int} jsonObject.params.hoverTimeout
The delay after hover, in ms, before the menu will appear. Only observed for the default 'hover' menu trigger.
{int} jsonObject.params.blurTimeout
The delay after blur, in ms, before the menu will disappear. Only observed for the default 'hover' menu trigger.
{JSON} jsonObject.jsonQuery Optional
an additional parameter that allows to provide arbitrary query parameters that will be sent to the backend. If jsonObject.menuItems is set, this property is ignored.
{JSON} jsonObject.menuItems Optional
Allows menu items to be specified inline. If this property is set, jsonQuery is ignored. No request will be sent to retrieve menu items from the backend.
{String} the handle for the registered handler or null if there was a problem registering the handler

<static> wpModules.contextMenu.reposition(node)
Repositions any open menu that is attached to the provided node.
{DOMNode} node
the node for which to reposition the menu

<static> wpModules.contextMenu.unlock(node)
Unlocks the menu functionality on the provided node and resets the behavior.
{DOMNode} node
the node for which to un-lock the menu

<static> wpModules.contextMenu.unregister(nodeOrHandle)
The unregister method un-registers a menu handler from either the provided node or removes the handler with the provided handle.
{DOMNode|String} nodeOrHandle
the node the menu was registered for or the handle returned by the register call

Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corporation
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Apr 15 2016 21:38:13 GMT-0400 (EDT)