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Download the whitepaper now and discover how IBM ILOG Optimization 
technology can be used to improve your business processes and increase ROI. IBM Smarter Planet logo and ILOG Graphic that depicts a maze of multi-colored circles and lines. The various circles represent the possible solutions that a company faces when making a critical decision. Outside the web of circles and lines is a single green circle that represents the best decision.

Netherlands Railways is able to create an optimized operating plan that maximizes service quality, minimizes costs and provides guidance for future infrastructure investments. "We've been able to improve our utilization and save €20 million annually, all while improving our on-time performance." —Wim Fabries, head of logistics, Netherlands Railways
Solve your Toughest Planning and Scheduling
Problems: How Managers can use 
Mathematical Optimization Technology

What Makes Optimization Special

Optimization takes facts—costs and yields, available resources and demand, goals and constraints—and finds the best possible plan or schedule of activities using mathematics and logic. It helps people make smarter decisions by finding efficiencies that they could not find on their own.

We invite you to learn more about how Optimization applications are used by companies all over the globe for these types of applications for short-term and long-term planning:
  • Resource Availability
  • Demand To Be Filled or Services To Be Performed
  • Yield/Throughput Assumptions
  • Global Operating Constraints
  • Individual Operating Constraints and Preferences
  • Goals (Individual or In Combination)
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Operating and Capital Costs

And across a wide range of industries:
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Financial Services
  • Utilities and Natural Resources
  • Telecom

A smarter business needs smarter thinking.
Let's build a smarter planet.

Download the whitepaper now

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011

IBM Global Services
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Produced in the United States of America
February 2011
All Rights Reserved

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