WSDL link editor reference

Web service performance tests are linked to a WSDL file that contains the definition of the call as well as the default parameters associated with the call.
Default generation of a call
This specifies the WSDL file from which you can add a new message call to a test. A default envelope is generated according to the schema of the parameters.
JMS default generation
When using a WSDL with a wsif JMS (?) port the test first creates an HTTP message call as for the SOAP contents, and then either refers to an existing JMS configuration with the same name as the jms port, or creates a JMS configuration with the name of the port. In this case, the JMS configuration is created with the following properties:
  • · Name of the initialization context factory
  • · Jndi provider URL
  • · Destination style.
  • · Jndi destination name
  • · Jndi connection factory name
Both WSIF jms url and jms non url are supported. Other parameters are not supported. Refer to WSIF specifications for more information.
WSDL Monitoring
