WSDL security editor reference

With the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) security editor you can create and edit security configurations for a WSDL file.


In this page, you can edit the keystores that are used for the WSDL file. The keystore contains the public and private keys that are required for the specified security protocol.
Defined Keystores
Click Add or Remove to add or remove keystore files from the workbench.
Keystore Details
This specifies the location and file name of the selected keystore. Click Browse to select a different file.
This specifies the name of the keystore. This name is used throughout the test instead of the file name.
Click Browse to specify a keystore file containing a valid server certificate. The following formats are supported:
  • KS
  • JKS
  • PKCS12 (p12 or PFX)
  • PEM
If the keystore file is encrypted, type the required password.

Security Stacks

In this page you can edit the security algorithm stacks that the security protocol uses. Security stacks are a set of algorithms that are executed in a given order.
Security Stacks
Click Add, Remove, or Rename to add, remove, or rename the security stacks that are associated with the WSDL file.
Security Algorithm Details
Click Add, Insert, or Remove to add or remove security algorithms in the stack. Click Up and Down to change the order of a selected algorithm in the security stack. The following security algorithms can be added to the security stack:
Time Stamp
The time stamp security algorithm adds time stamp information to the XML document in the response. For details on security algorithms, refer to the web service security specification.
Actor / Role name
Specify the name of the recipient of the algorithm header element, if required.
Must understand
Select whether it is mandatory that the algorithm header is processed by the recipient, if required. The recipient is either the Actor name or the server.
Expiration delay
Specify the delay after which the time stamp expires.
Millisecond precision
Select this option to produce a time stamp that uses millisecond precision instead of the default (1/100th second).
User name token
The user name token security algorithm adds a user name token to the XML document in the message. For details on security algorithms, refer to the web service security specification.
Actor / Role name
Specify the name of the recipient of the algorithm header element, if required.
Must understand
Select whether it is mandatory that the algorithm header is processed by the recipient, if required. The recipient is either the Actor name or the server.
Type the name of the user.
Type the password of the user.
Password type
Specify the password type for the security algorithm as defined in the Web Services Security UsernameToken profile.
XML Encryption
The XML encryption security algorithm specifies how the XML document is encrypted. For details on security algorithms, refer to the web service security specification.
Actor / Role name
Specify the name of the recipient of the algorithm header element, if required.
Must understand
Select whether it is mandatory that the algorithm header is processed by the recipient, if required. The recipient is either the Actor name or the server.
Identifier type
Select the type of key identifier to be used for the encryption. The following key identifiers are available, as defined in the Web Services Security (WSS) specification X509 profile and the OASIS WSS 1.1 specification:
User XPath part selection
This enables you to specify an XPath query that describes parts of the XML document that can be subjects of the algorithm. By default, the body is the subject.
Select the key used for the encryption. The details of each key vary.
  • x509 key: This specifies the name and password of the x509 key and the keystore where it is located.
  • Raw key: This specifies the name and the byte value of your SecretKey in hexadecimal.
  • Encrypted key: This specifies a reference to an encrypted key that was previously defined in the security stack. Click Insert a new encrypted key to create a new encrypted key definition block.
Encoding Algorithm Name
Specify the encryption method to be used as defined in the XML Encryption Syntax and Processing specification.
Key Encoding Algorithm
Specify the standard algorithm for encoding the key as defined in the XML Encryption Syntax and Processing specification.
XML Signature
The XML signature security algorithm specifies how the XML document is signed. For details on security algorithms, refer to the web service security specification.
Actor / Role name
Specify the name of the recipient of the algorithm header element, if required.
Must understand
Select whether it is mandatory that the algorithm header is processed by the recipient, if required. The recipient is either the Actor name or the server.
Security token
Select the type of key identifier to be used for the signature. The following key identifiers are available, as defined in the the Web Service Security (WSS) specification X509 profile and OASIS WSS 1.1 specification:
In addition, the following identifiers are available when the signature is based on a UsernameToken profile:
User XPath part selection
Specify an XPath query that describes parts of the XML document that can be subjects of the algorithm. By default, the body is the subject. Click the XPath Helper button to build the Xpath expression.
Select the key used for the encryption. The details of each key vary.
  • x509 key: This specifies the name and password of the x509 key and the keystore where it is located.
  • User name token key: This specifies a user name and password for the signature.
  • Encrypted key: This specifies a reference to an encrypted key that was previously defined in the security stack. Click Insert a new encrypted key to create a new encrypted key definition block.
Signature algorithm name
Specify the signature method algorithm as described in the XML Signature Syntax and Processing specification.
Specify the canonicalization method to be used as described in the XML Signature Syntax and Processing specification.
Inclusive namespaces
Specify whether the canonicalization is exclusive as described in the Exclusive XML Canonicalization specification.
Custom Security Algorithm
If you want to use a Java™ class as a custom security algorithm, then use this stack element to apply the custom algorithm to the service.
Java Project
If you have not implemented a custom Java class, select Java Project, type a name for the new project, and click Generate to create a new Java class with the default structure for custom security implementations.
Note: If you are using IBM® Security AppScan®, this field is not available.
Implementation class
Specify the name of the class that implements the custom security algorithm. Click Browse Class to select an existing Java class from the workspace.
Use this table to send any specific properties and associated values to the custom security algorithm.
