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Information you can trust from data you can't control

IBM InfoSphere® Foundation Tools: the route to accurate data

• How accurate is your data – and can you validate this?
• Can you track your data from source to end-user?
• How do you get your business analysts and your ETL
  developers to talk?
• Are you delivering the best integration process the first
  time – and on time?
• Have you automated your mapping processes to remove
  the risk between your teams and organisation?
• Can you report on all this information to make changes

InfoSphere Foundation Tools are a key platform on which you can profile, model, define, map and govern information that is spread across your enterprise.

InfoSphere data integration, warehousing and management solutions allow businesses to structure information in a way they can use it – not the way it was captured. The result is disparate data streams transformed and delivered as timely and relevant business insights to the teams that need them most.

Find out more
Register here for a special webcast where you will learn more about InfoSphere Foundation Tools – and discover how InfoSphere can unlock trusted insights from your information explosion.

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Discover how InfoSphere
can unlock trusted insights from your information explosion.

Tuesday 16 August
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