Defining contents of a Section Shortcut Panel

The purpose behind a Section Shortcut Panel is to provide the user with quick links to open content and perform actions within the section. The panel can be collapsed and expanded as desired by the user.

The contents of a shortcut panel are configured in an XML configuration file that has an extension of .ssp and a corresponding properties file. Defining contents of a Section Shortcut Panel shows the contents of SimpleShortcutPanel.ssp.

Figure 1. SimpleShortcutPanel.ssp
      <sc:node type="group" title="Group.Title" id="UI">
        <sc:node type="leaf" id="search" page-id="SimpleSearch"


The corresponding .properties should contain the localizable content for the shortcut panel:

Group.Title=Quick Links
Link.Title.Search=Person Search

The structure of the section shortcut panel consists of nodes of two different types, namely group and leaf nodes. The type is configured through the type attribute. Group nodes allow for logical grouping of leaf nodes. Each leaf node represents a link to appear on the Section Shortcut Panel.

Both group and leaf nodes have a title attribute which allows the configuration of the text to be displayed. Leaf nodes must additionally specify a page-id attribute which configures the target page of the link.

The section shortcut panel defined in Defining contents of a Section Shortcut Panel is showed in the User Interface Element 1 of Introduction. It has a group and leaf node, where the group node contains the leaf node that holds a hyperlink, refer to User Interface Element 2 and 3 respectively in Introduction. Clicking this link will result in opening the search tab, which will be defined next.