XML Formats

The Evidence Review widget expects information in a specific XML format, which conforms to the appropriate schema, specified by evidence-review.xsd file located in the lib/curam/xml/schema folder of your CDEJ installation folder. This format is the same for both modes and can be distinguished by the value of EVIDENCE_REVIEW_EDITABLE. For the Edit mode it is set to true and for view mode it is set to false. Below is an example of this:

           LABEL="What gender are you?" CHOSEN_ANSWER_ID="A1">
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A1" NAME="John Doe"
              DESCRIPTION="Claimant" VALUE="Male"/>
            LABEL="What age are you?" CHOSEN_ANSWER_ID="">
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A2" NAME="John Doe"
              DESCRIPTION="Claimant" VALUE="35"/>
            LABEL="Do you have trouble breathing when you walk?">
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A3" NAME="John Doe"
              DESCRIPTION="Claimant" VALUE="true"/>
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A4" NAME="Dr. Jones"
              DESCRIPTION="General Practitioner" VALUE="Yes"/>
            LABEL="What car do You own?" CHOSEN_ANSWER_ID="">
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A7" NAME="John Doe"
              DESCRIPTION="Claimant" VALUE="CR7"/>
      <ANSWER ANSWER_ID="A8" NAME="Mr. Jones"
              DESCRIPTION="Neighbour" VALUE="CR6"/>
Table 1. Attributes of Evidence Review Question Element
Attribute Description
TYPE The type is either NORMAL or CODETABLE.
SUB_TYPE The behavior of the SUB_TYPE attribute value depends on the value of the TYPE attribute. In case where the TYPE attribute is specified as NORMAL, the SUB_TYPE refers to the actual data type to used value; where TYPE value is specified as CODETABLE, the SUB_TYPE value would be the name of the codetable to use.
QUESTION_ID Unique identifier for this element.
LABEL Label for the question.
CHOSEN_ANSWER_ID Pre-defined answer suggestion or n/a if no answer suggestion.
Table 2. Attributes of Evidence Review Answer Element
Attribute Description
ANSWER_ID Unique identifier for this element.
NAME Specifies source of answer option.
DESCRIPTION Qualifies the option source.
VALUE The value of the question provided by named and qualified source.
Collapsible Cluster Support: Collapsible clusters are not supported for any cluster containing this widget.