Evidence Review Widget

The Evidence Review Widget is used to consolidate answers from multiple sources. It is launched by clicking the Consolidate link in the View Assessment Details and View Determination Details pages. The Consolidate link is only enabled when the multi source indicator is set to true and the auto consolidate indicator is false for the determination configuration.

When launched, the user will be prompted to select the appropriate answer for each question requiring consolidation in the question group.

This widget calls on two methods: ViewConsolidatedAnswers and ViewAnswersForConsolidation. The ViewConsolidatedAnswers method is called when answers have already been consolidated. It displays the different answers which were provided from the multiple sources and it displays the details of the answer which was already selected. The information returned is read only. The ViewAnswersForConsolidation displays the different answers which were provided where no answer has been selected, and thus, the answers can be consolidated.

The widget is associated with the EVIDENCE_REVIEW_XML domain. The data to display in the evidence review control is provided in XML format. The format for the XML data is described below. The control has two modes of operation: view (read-only) mode and edit, which allows for reviewing answers and choosing an appropriate one from the available options. In edit mode, a user can make or change a selection from the list of available answers. In view mode, the only difference is the absence of radio buttons, as it is meant for review only and not for any changes. The rest of the functionality remains the same and a user can review questions and actual answers displayed in section headers, as well as answer options within sections that cannot be collapsed (if JavaScript is enabled) - just as it could in edit mode.