
The Evidence Tab Container can be configured by setting the CONFIG attribute on the UIM FIELD in question. The EvidenceTabContainerConfig.xml XML configuration file must contain a configuration section with a unique identifier matching the text in the CONFIG attribute. Where the field has not been configured on the UIM, the default will be used. The configuration can be used to change the link URL. The parameter names are stored in the configuration file and the parameter values are stored in the XML data. The following is a sample of this file:

Figure 1. Evidence Tab Container Configuration
  <CONFIG ID="MyConfiguration">
Table 1. Attributes of Evidence Tab Container Config Element
Attribute Description
DEFAULT The configuration to be used if it is not specified in the UIM.
Table 2. Attributes of Config Element
Attribute Description
ID The unique identifier for the configuration.
Table 3. Attributes of Answer Element
Attribute Description
PAGE_ID The ID of the target page for the link.
QUESTIONNAIRE_ID_PARAM Parameter name for the link.
QUESTION_ID_PARAM Parameter name for the link.
DETERMINATION_DELIVERY_ID_PARAM Parameter name for the link.
Collapsible Cluster Support: Collapsible clusters are not supported for any cluster containing this widget.