Identify Evidence Relationships

Evidence relationships can significantly impact development requirements for an evidence solution as they impact the design of evidence object tab and custom code that will be required to insert an evidence relationship record.

Evidence object tab must contain the sub-tabs for the related parent or child evidence.

Custom code must be added to an evidence entity's insert method to cater for evidence relationships. This custom code adds a record to the evidence relationship table for each evidence relationship.

To ease the implementation of evidence relationships, it makes sense to identify the relationships between evidence types in the early stages of designing an evidence solution. Identify Evidence Relationships provides a sample list of evidence types and their relationships.

Table 1. Relationships between Evidence Types
Evidence Type Related Evidence Type Relationship Type
Income Evidence Income Usage Evidence Parent/Child
Property Evidence Loan Evidence Parent/Child
Loan Evidence Loan Insurance Policy Evidence Parent/Child
Property Evidence Loan Insurance Policy Evidence Grandparent/Grandchild
Carer Evidence Benefit Evidence Parent/Child (optional)

Each row in this table represents an evidence relationship, with the parent evidence type in the first column and the related child (or grand-child) evidence type in the second column. The second column can be used to determine which evidence types will require custom code to cater for the evidence relationships. For each related evidence type, custom code is added to that evidence type's insert method.

This table can be used as a starting point for defining navigation.