The Evidence User Interface

Screens and views are provided with the evidence framework to allow users to capture and maintain evidence in a consistent manner. The main screens and views are:

The dashboard view provides a summary display of evidence for a case.
The evidenceFlow view provides an alternate summary display and navigation through evidence on a case where each evidence type is represented by a tile.
Evidence Type Tab
This is used to maintain evidence records for a specific evidence type.
Evidence Object Tab
A view is provided for each evidence object which displays the latest details for the evidence and lists the successive changes to the object over time. This view is displayed within a tab.
View Evidence
This is used to view evidence information retrieved from the evidence descriptor table.
Insert Evidence
This is used to allow users to input specific evidence details.
Modify Evidence
This is used to allow users to view and modify evidence details.
Apply Evidence Changes
This allows users to select the evidence records to activate or remove.
Validate Evidence Changes
This allows users to validate evidence changes for an evidence type before applying these evidence changes.
Evidence Approval
There are a number of screens provided to support evidence approval checks.
Evidence Correction History
This displays the history of changes made to a piece of evidence without specifying the effective date for the change.
Evidence Change History
This displays the history of changes made to an evidence object.