Active And In Edit List Views

Two high level list views exist within the application which give users another entry point for adding and maintaining evidence. These list views are intended to give an overall picture of the evidence on a case, regardless of type. One lists the active records, including those active records that are pending removal. The other lists in edit records. These should give the user more options for browsing and creating evidence.

The high level list views provide links to view and edit individual evidence records as well as links to the standard evidence type and object tab views. There are also links for applying, approving and rejecting evidence. These links are accessible from any case-level view of evidence.

A new way of creating evidence has been developed for the high level list views. There is a "New Evidence" link which takes the user through a number of screens where they select the evidence type they want to create, and then they can choose from a list of possible parent and/or related evidence, and finally they are brought to the create evidence screen itself. On saving (creating) the record, the user is returned back to the high level list view. The actual screens the user is presented with the selection in a wizard depends upon the patterns used by the evidence type being created.